Tagged: Jewish Book Council

That Voice by Mar­cia Menter

That Voice by Mar­cia Menter

In Search of Ann Drum­mond-Grant, the Singer Who Shaped My Life As an adolescent in Syracuse, New York, Marcia Menter fell in love with the recorded voice of Ann Drummond-Grant, a Scottish contralto who...

Days of Wonder by Car­o­line Leavitt

Days of Wonder by Car­o­line Leavitt

New York Times bestselling author Caroline Leavitt returns with a tantalizing, courageous story about mothers and daughters, guilt and innocence, and the lengths we go for love. As a teenager, for a moment, Ella...

My Hijack­ing by Martha Hodes

My Hijack­ing by Martha Hodes

A Per­son­al His­to­ry of For­get­ting and Remembering In this moving and thought-provoking memoir, a historian offers a personal look at the fallibilities of memory and the lingering impact of trauma as she goes back...