Tagged: Jewish Book Council

Open­ing Doors by Hasia R. Diner

Open­ing Doors by Hasia R. Diner

The Unlike­ly Alliance Between the Irish and the Jews in America The extraordinary untold story of how Irish and Jewish immigrants worked together to secure legitimacy in America. Popular belief holds that the various...

Ire­na’s Gift by Karen Kirsten

Ire­na’s Gift by Karen Kirsten

Ire­na’s Gift: An Epic WWII Mem­oir of Sis­ters, Secrets, and Survival by Karen Kirsten Weaving mystery, history and memoir, Irena’s Gift is the captivating account of one woman’s personal quest to uncover the unspoken and give...

Mil­len­ni­al Jew­ish Stars by Jonathan Branf­man

Mil­len­ni­al Jew­ish Stars by Jonathan Branf­man

Nav­i­gat­ing Racial Anti­semitism, Mas­culin­i­ty, and White Supremacy Highlights how millennial Jewish stars symbolize national politics in US media Jewish stars have longed faced pressure to downplay Jewish identity for fear of alienating wider audiences....

Five Sto­ries by Ellen Wein­stein

Five Sto­ries by Ellen Wein­stein

Five children, from five different cultures and in five different decades, grow up in the same building on the Lower East Side of New York City. Jenny Epstein and her family arrive on a...

Ping-Pong Shab­bat by Ann D. Koff­sky

Ping-Pong Shab­bat by Ann D. Koff­sky

The True Sto­ry of Cham­pi­on Estee Ackerman Illustrator: Abi­gail Rajunov POP POP KERPOW!Eleven-year-old Ping-Pong phenom Estee Ackerman must make a difficult choice. When her championship match is scheduled on the Jewish Sabbath, will she...

The Thresh­old of Dis­sent by Mar­jorie N. Feld

The Thresh­old of Dis­sent by Mar­jorie N. Feld

A His­to­ry of Amer­i­can Jew­ish Crit­ics of Zionism Explores the long history of anti-Zionist and non-Zionist American Jews Throughout the twentieth century, American Jewish communal leaders projected a unified position of unconditional support for...

The Incor­rupt­ibles by Dan Slater

The Incor­rupt­ibles by Dan Slater

A True Sto­ry of King­pins, Crime Busters, and the Birth of the Amer­i­can Underworld This harrowing tale of early twentieth century New York reveals the true stories of an immigrant underworld, a secret vice...