Tagged: Jewish Book Council

Lotus Girl by Helen Tworkov

Lotus Girl by Helen Tworkov

My Life at the Cross­roads of Bud­dhism and America From one of the central figures in Buddhism’s introduction to the West and the founder of Tricycle magazine comes a brilliant memoir of forging one’s...

Every Wrin­kle Has a Story by David Gross­man

Every Wrin­kle Has a Story by David Gross­man

Illustrator: Nina­masi­naTranslator: Jes­si­ca Cohen Every Tuesday, Yotam’s grandfather takes him to a coffee shop after kindergarten, where Grandpa Amnon drinks coffee and Yotam likes to draw. One day, Yotam has a question: “Grandpa, what’s...

Tra­jec­to­ry by Cam­bria Gordon

Tra­jec­to­ry by Cam­bria Gordon

Perfect for fans of Kristin Hannah and Sharon Cameron, this is the stirring and dramatic story of one young woman who must find a way to overcome her deepest fears in order to unlock...

That Voice by Mar­cia Menter

That Voice by Mar­cia Menter

In Search of Ann Drum­mond-Grant, the Singer Who Shaped My Life As an adolescent in Syracuse, New York, Marcia Menter fell in love with the recorded voice of Ann Drummond-Grant, a Scottish contralto who...