Tagged: Kalaniot Books

The Can­dy Man Mystery by Rab­bi Ker­ry Olitzky

The Can­dy Man Mystery by Rab­bi Ker­ry Olitzky

Illus­tra­tor: Christi­na Mat­ti­son Ebert In a synagogue, everyone plays an important role: the rabbi, the cantor, the teachers, and even the congregation. But some synagogues are lucky enough to have a candy man. Everyone...

The Rabbi and the Painter by Shoshona Weiss

The Rabbi and the Painter by Shoshona Weiss

Illustrator: Jennifer Kirkham Based on stories handed down from the past, this is the tale of a unique relationship between the 16th Century Venetian painter Tintoretto and Rabbi Leon Modena also known as Yahuda...

Sarah's Solo by Tracy Brown

Sarah’s Solo by Tracy Brown

Paula Wegman (Illustrator) Sarah is disappointed when she must miss dancing her solo at the upcoming ballet recital to go to her cousin’s wedding. But as she explores some of the Jewish customs at...