Tagged: Kar-Ben Publishing

Baila the Klopper by Jen­nifer Tzivia MacLeod

Baila the Klopper by Jen­nifer Tzivia MacLeod

Illustrator: Shirley Wais­man Every morning, Baila klops (Yiddish for “bangs”) on all the village doors to wake people up so they get to synagogue on time. At each house she sings, “Get up! It’s early, but...

Vio­lin of Hope by Ella Schwartz

Vio­lin of Hope by Ella Schwartz

Illustrator: Juliana Oak­ley Based on the true story of luthiers who repair Holocaust-era violins. Papa plays beautiful music on the violin, sometimes quick and lively and sometimes slow and sorrowful. But one night, there...

The Apple Argument by Jane Yolen

The Apple Argument by Jane Yolen

Illustrator: Ani­ta Barghi­giani In the Garden of Eden, as soon as God buried Vegetables in the ground, and put Fruits on trees and vines, the Fruits began to argue among themselves. “I am hardiest,”...

A Book About Bubkes by Leslie Kim­mel­man

A Book About Bubkes by Leslie Kim­mel­man

Illustrator: Rox­ana de Rond This is a book about bupkes: nothing, zero, zilch. Sometimes, though, what looks like nothing turns out to be the most important thing of all. An empty garden seems like...