Tagged: Yale University Press

A Child of the Century by Ben Hecht

A Child of the Century by Ben Hecht

Ben Hecht’s critically acclaimed autobiographical memoir, first published in 1954, offers incomparably pungent evocations of Chicago in the 1910s and 1920s, Hollywood in the 1930s, and New York during the Second World War and...

The Jews and the Reformation by Kenneth Austin

The Jews and the Reformation by Kenneth Austin

Judaism has always been of great significance to Christianity but this relationship has also been marked by complexity and ambivalence. The emergence of new Protestant confessions in the Reformation had significant consequences for how...

Irving Berlin: New York Genius by James Kaplan

Irving Berlin: New York Genius by James Kaplan

Irving Berlin (1888–1989) has been called—by George Gershwin, among others—the greatest songwriter of the golden age of the American popular song. “Berlin has no place in American music,” legendary composer Jerome Kern wrote; “he...

Job: A New Translation by Edward L. Greenstein

Job: A New Translation by Edward L. Greenstein

The book of Job has often been called the greatest poem ever written. The book, in Edward Greenstein’s characterization, is “a Wunderkind, a genius emerging out of the confluence of two literary streams” which...

Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution by Shlomo Avineri

Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution by Shlomo Avineri

Karl Marx (1818–1883)—philosopher, historian, sociologist, economist, current affairs journalist, and editor—was one of the most influential and revolutionary thinkers of modern history, but he is rarely thought of as a Jewish thinker, and his...