Additions to the catalog 2009-08-31

The following 8 books were added. They were all found on

  • Ben Zion, Raphael: The Anthology of Jewish Mysticism
  • Dubov, Nissan Dovid: Inward Bound: A Guide to Understanding Kabbalah
  • Erlanger, Gad: Signs of the Times: The Zodiac in Jewish Tradition
  • Luzzatto, Moses Hayyim: Secrets of the Redemption
  • Safran, Alexandre: Wisdom of the Kabbalah
  • Tatz, Akiva: Living Inspired
  • Winkler, Gershon: Dybbuk
  • Winkler, Gershon: The Soul of the Matter: A Jewish-Kabbalistic Perspective on the Human Soul Before, During, and After Life
Safran, Alexandre: Wisdom of the Kabbalah
Winkler, Gershon: The Soul of the Matter: A Jewish-Kabbalistic Perspective on the Human Soul Before, During, and After Life
Erlanger, Gad: Signs of the Times: The Zodiac in Jewish Tradition
Luzzatto, Moses Hayyim: Secrets of the Redemption
Tatz, Akiva: Living Inspired
Dubov, Nissan Dovid: Inward Bound: A Guide to Understanding Kabbalah
Winkler, Gershon: Dybbuk
Ben Zion, Raphael: The Anthology of Jewish Mysticism

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