Summary of recent Kabbalah books in Forward

Last June Jay Michaelson wrote up a quick overview of recently published books on Kabbalah for Forward. The nominal occasion for the article was that it has been ten years that Madonna got interested in Kabbalah, hence the title “Kabbalah: Ten Years After Madonna“, and brought limelight on it along with all the consequences. Michaelson introduced numerous introductory books, describing each with a sentence or two. He also covered the academic books and what he called “next-generation scholars.” This last category is not as cohesive as the others, it would have been better to call it miscellaneous. It also would have been proper to disclose that he himself wrote a book “God in Your Body: Kabbalah, Mindfulness and Embodied Spiritual Practice” and at the time of writing the article was working on another one: “Everything Is God: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism.” Nevertheless the article is a good overview of the field’s development

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