6th annual Kabbalah Day

The 6th annual Kabbalah Day at the JCC in Manhattan was this last Sunday. Its focus was Safed. The (New York) Jewish Week published an introductory article about it. At the organizers’ website (JInsider and JCC Manhattan) there wasn’t much information about the event. These were some of the workshops:

  • Key Teachings and Meditative Practices of the Safed Kabbalists
  • Kabbalistic Influences on Prayer and Ritual
  • Understanding the Moral Consideration of Animals in Kabbalistic Thought (the RAMAK)
  • Can we Live a Kabbalistic Lifestyle?
  • Tapping Into our Spiritual Guides (Maggid)
  • The Devil and the Shekhina in Kabbalah
  • Meet the Chief Rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu
  • Premiere showing of Shlomo Weprin’s film on Safed

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