Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts, volume 21

The 21st volume of  “Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts” (384 pages, hardcover, ISBN 1-933379-15-4) came out in April. It is a Cherub Press publication that can be ordered at Atlas books. The table of contents of this volume:

Studies in English

  • Daniel Abrams: The Virgin Mary as the Moon that Lacks the Sun – A Zoharic Polemic Against the Veneration of Mary
  • Moshe Idel: Torah Hadashah – Messiah and the New Torah in Jewish Mysticism and Modern Scholarship
  • Morris Faierstein: Two Radical Teachings in the Mei Ha-Shiloah and Their Sources

Studies in Hebrew

  • Yehuda Liebes: The Pool, the Daughter and the Male in the Book Bahir
  • Michael Schneider: The Angelomorophic Son of God, Yehoel and the Prince of Peace
  • Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel: Eve, the Gazelle and the Serpent: Narratives of Creation and Redemption, Myth and Gender
  • Daniel Abrams: The Reception and Editing of Kabbalistic Works by Students of Jewish Esotericism in Ashkenaz After the Appearance of the Kabbalah (Collectanea of Early Works in a Leipzig Manuscript Copied in 1429)
  • Shalom Sadik: Is ‘R. Abner’ R. Abner of Burgos?
  • Maoz Kahana and Michael K. Silber: Deists, Sabbateans and Kabbalists in Prague: A Censored Sermon of R. Ezekiel Landau, 1770

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