Kabbalah Manuscripts at Ets Haim

The Etz Haim Library/Livraria Montezinos* just put 190 manuscripts online, including 24 Kabbalah related ones. Here is a partial list of them:

  • Sefer Etz Hayim. Kabbalistic work compiled from the teachings of Isaac Luria by Hayim ben Joseph Vital.
  • Astrological annotations copied by David Franco Mendes.
  • Sefer ha-Qanah. Kabbalistic commentary on Genesis by Qanah ben Avigdor ben Nahum.
  • Abstracts from Sefer Shabta de-Rigla. Kabbalistic treatise on the Sabbath by Tzvi Hirsh ben Yerahmiel Hotsh.
  • Sefer Sha’are Tzedeq. Kabbalistic work by Joseph ben Abraham Giqatilia.
  • Sefer ha-Niqud. Kabbalistic work by Joseph ben Abraham Giqatilia.
  • Qitzur Olam ha-Tiqun. Kabbalistic work by Joseph Solomon Delmedigo.
  • Kabbalistic treatises by Isaac Luria, copied by Mordekhay Samson Altschüler of Cleve.
  • Collection of kabbalistic and mystical treatises.
  • Kabbalistic treatise on the Shema prayer.
  • Or Levanah. Annotations on the Zohar by Abraham b. Mordekhay Azulay.
  • Perush shel Idra Zuta. Kabbalistic commentary by Jacob Maragi.
  • Kabbalistic commentary on the thirteen attributes of God.
  • Collectaneous writings by Shalom ben Moses Ben Tzur.
  • Kabbalistic evening prayers copied by Isaac Hayim de Jong.
  • Toldot ha-Ari. Kabbalistic treatise by Hayim Vital.
  • Sefer Goralot. Astronomical treatise ascribed to Abraham ibn Ezra.
  • Scroll with kabbalistic amulets and texts.
  • Puerta de Cielo. Spanish kabbalistic work by Abraham Cohen Herrera.
  • Libro de la Caza de la Divinidad, mystic treatise on the existence of angels and spirits, by Abraham Cohen de Herrera.

The collection is available at: http://www.etshaimmanuscripts.nl/manuscripts/

*”Ets Haim is the oldest still functioning Jewish library in the world. It was founded in 1639 and has been housed in the historical complex of the Portuguese Jewish community of Amsterdam since 1675. In 1889 the private library of the then librarian David Montezinos was donated to Ets Haim and the library is known since then as Ets Haim/Livraria Montezinos.” – source

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