Welcome to the Cavalcade

We are delighted to tell you about ‘Welcome to the Cavalcade: a Festschrift in honour of Rabbi Professor Jonathan Magonet on the occasion of his 70th birthday’.

Academic colleagues, friends and former students of Jonathan were invited to contribute to this volume, and the enthusiasm and generosity of those who responded was overwhelming.

Over 40 essays – by Jews, Christians and Muslims – reflect Jonathan’s love of Bible and special approach to biblical exegesis, his innovations in liturgy, his creativity in poetry and song, his commitment to interfaith explorations, and the ways in which he has fostered individual and original voices who have added to the richness and complexity of religious life today. The Festschrift combines academic essays with more personal reflections from scholars and friends from around the world and contains a full bibliography of Jonathan’s published work as well as an overview of Jonathan’s achievements.

Contributors include:
Karen Armstrong – Jan Fokkelman – Gabriel Josipovici – Elli Tikvah Sarah – Howard Cooper – Deborah Kahn-Harris – Larry Tabick – Joanna Weinberg – Eric Friedland – Sylvia Rothschild – Alexandra Wright – Fred Morgan – Jonathan Romain – Annette Boeckler – Awraham Soetendorp – Reuven Silverman – Michael Hilton – Ed Kessler – Halima Krausen – Bertold Klappert – Lionel Blue – Sybil Sheridan – Francis Landy – Jonathan Romain – Jeff Newman – David Soetendorp -Danny Smith – Leon Yudkin z”l – Sheila Shulman –Barbara Borts. 515 pages

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