The UnAmericans: Stories by Molly Antopol

At night, Talia and her sisters liked to sneak onto the kibbutz adjacent to their land and hang out in the date palms, climbing and balancing themselves while trying to steer clear of the thorns — they understood that whatever was said there stayed there. Everything in life seemed solvable among those trees. She also loved the walk back home in the dark, when it was impossible to distinguish between sky and hills.

Talia and the other characters that populate Molly Antopol’s outstanding debut collection of eight stories, “The UnAmericans” (Norton), struggle and sometimes stumble, as they experience some of life’s insolvable moments. Antopol captures their emotions, including the messy ones, with precision. She’s a writer with a big heart….

The UnAmericans: Stories by Molly Antopol

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