Walking Through the Land of the Bible: Historical 3D Adventure

The Land of the Bible, cradle of Judaism and Christianity, is a world of wonders. Here Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his first born son Isaac, returning from decades of exile in Egypt the Israelites established a nation, and Jesus with the Twelve Apostles founded what would be known as Christianity. Due to its strategic position and spiritual significance, this small piece of land attracted kings, emperors, and sultans who throughout thousands of years claimed it in their quest to dominate the world. It is also a land of unique topographical phenomena. Most notably the world’s lowest spot The Dead Sea, the largest Makhtesh, the Great Rift Valley, the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Michael Medina’s three dimensional photos accompanied by Professor James H. Charlesworth’s descriptions walk you in Jesus’ footsteps as well as through some of the Holy Land’s most significant and spectacular historical, archeological, and topographical wonders.

Walking Through the Land of the Bible: Historical 3D Adventure 

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