Goldie Takes a Stand: Golda Meir’s First Crusade by Barbara Krasner

Goldie Takes a Stand: Golda Meir’s First Crusade by Barbara Krasner

Goldie Takes a Stand: Golda Meir’s First Crusade by Barbara KrasnerThe book at Amazon and on Kindle

[A]uthor Barbara Krasner embellishes the true story of the American Young Sisters Society, a group of Jewish immigrant girls formed by 9-year-old Goldie, who naturally appoints herself president. She explains to the group that they are there to do something about the problem of kids in their school who do not have enough money to buy textbooks. They each need to raise 3 cents a week — a nearly impossible sum — the same price as a loaf of bread or a quart of milk. Goldie ingeniously comes up with a plan to add a 2-cent surcharge on groceries purchased by the patrons of her mother’s grocery store while mother is gone; but this backfires when customers object. Goldie masterminds another plan, this time more ambitious: She will secure a large hall and invite important people to a public meeting where she, a 9-year-old fourth-grader, will give a speech persuasive enough to secure funding for the cause.

Read Lisa Silverman’s review in the Jewish Journal

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