Naming Jack the Ripper by Russell Edwards

Naming Jack the Ripper by Russell Edwards

Naming Jack the Ripper by Russell EdwardsNew Book Claims Jack the Ripper Was Jewish

DNA said to link Polish barber Aaron Kosminski to gruesome 1888 murders

The book at Amazon

Russell Edwards, a longtime Ripperologist, as those obsessed with studying the unsolved case are known, has published Naming Jack The Ripper, a book that claims to offer DNA evidence that the 19th century killer was Aaron Kosminski, a 25-year-old Jewish immigrant from Poland.

Kosminski’s family fled Poland in the early 1880s, escaping Tsarist pogroms, and settled in London. Kosminski, a barber, is said to have been a suspect at the time, and was ultimately institutionalized. He reportedly died in a mental hospital in Hertfordshire in 1919, at age 53.

Read Stephanie Butnick’s article in Tablet Magazine

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