The Artist as Rain[bow] Maker – event in the Library of Congress, September 23

the-artist-as-rainbow-maker-event-in-the-library-of-congress-september-23A lecture on a newly-acquired treasure in the Hebraic Section

The Hebraic Section invites you to come celebrate the acquisition of its newest treasure – an illuminated, miniature manuscript of exceptional beauty and detail from eighteenth-century Germany. The presentation by Area Specialist Ann Brener will be followed by a display of rare books and manuscripts.

Free and Open to the Public
A Display of Rare Books will follow

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM
The African and Middle Eastern Division Reading Room
Jefferson Building, LJ-220
The Library of Congress
10 First St. S.E.,
Washington, D.C. 20540

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