All the World: Universalism, Particularism and the High Holy Days by Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD

All the World: Universalism, Particularism and the High Holy Days by Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD

All the World: Universalism, Particularism and the High Holy Days by Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhDThe book at Amazon and on Kindle

Almost forty contributors from three continents—men and women, scholars and poets, rabbis and theologians, representing all Jewish denominations and perspectives—examine the tension between Israel as a particular People called by God, and that very calling as intended for a universalist end, furthering God’s vision for all the world, not just for Jews alone. This balance of views arises naturally out of the prayers in the High Holy Day liturgy, coupled with insights from philosophy, literature, theology and ethics.

Source:  Jewish Book Council


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