The Gobblings by Matthue Roth

The Gobblings by Matthue Roth

The Gobblings by Matthue RothDaniel Eason illustrator

The book at Amazon

Herbie is lonely. His parents moved to a space station in the middle of nowhere, and there’s nothing to do. He spends a lot of time wandering in the ship’s ventilator shafts, and if he wants to have any friends, he has to build them out of spare parts. Deep inside the ship, Herbie discovers that a herd of gobblings have landed–monsters who float through space and love to eat metal. And the closest and biggest hunk of metal is the space station they live on. The gobblings are crawling throughout the ship, ready to make it their dinner, and Herbie’s the only one who can stop them!


Source: Jewish Book Council

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