The Power of the Hebrew Alphabet by Gloria Abella Ballen

The Power of the Hebrew Alphabet by Gloria Abella Ballen

The Power of the Hebrew Alphabet by Gloria Abella BallenThe Power of the Hebrew Alphabet by Gloria Abella Ballen won the Best Religious Book 2014 Award given in the New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards on November 21. For more information about the book go to:

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It is a fusion between mysticism, art, and Jewish spiritual traditions. Abella Ballen leads the viewer through the labyrinth of meanings of the twenty-two letters that changed the world. The letters brought us the stories of Abraham, Moses, and the Ten Commandments. The adventures of David and his songs came to us on the wings of these twenty-two letters, as did the wisdom and poetry of Solomon. The lyrical images of Abella Ballen spread across the pages in full color filled with insight into religious truths drawn from the well of Jewish traditions. While the incredible chromatic skill carries the work of the artist, the depth of appeal of her symbol/images is based on something much more complex.

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