The Marrying of Chani Kaufman by Eve Harris

The Marrying of Chani Kaufman by Eve Harris

The Marrying of Chani Kaufman by Eve HarrisThe book at Amazon and on Kindle

The intertwined story lines offer varied approaches to the main themes. However, while the characters’ interactions with each other— the Rebbetzin agreeing to comply with her husband’s request that she not ride a bicycle, or Chani battling the strident Mrs. Levy—are touching, funny, shocking, and overall emotionally evocative, the players’ inner lives remain a mystery. Each move seems predetermined, and we are not given enough access to understand why each chooses the small and major paths they do. Ultimately, the removed narrative voice and mysterious pivotal choices confirm that the novel is written by, and for, outsiders.

Source: Jewish Book Council (with interview and discussion questions)

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