Countrymen: The Untold Story of How Denmark’s Jews Escaped the Nazis, of the Courage of Their Fellow Danes—and of the Extraordinary Role of the SS Bo Lidegaard

Countrymen: The Untold Story of How Denmark's Jews Escaped the Nazis, of the Courage of Their Fellow Danes—and of the Extraordinary Role of the SS Bo Lidegaard

Bo Lidegaard, the editor in chief of Den­mark’s leading newspaper,Politiken, and a former diplomat in the Danish Foreign Service, has written what should become the definitive history of how the Danes saved more than seven thousand of its Jews from deportation to the death camps. He notes that whereas up to 70 to 90 percent of the Jews in Hungary, the Netherlands, Latvia, Greece, Lithuania, and Poland were murdered by the Nazis; 40 to 50 percent in Romania, Estonia, Norway, and around 20 percent in Italy and France, it was fewer than one percent in Bulgaria and Denmark. How to account for this disparity?

Source: Jewish Book Council

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