April 2015 Jewish Book Carnival

The April Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, is being hosted by Anna Levine at Jodie Books at http://jodiebooks.com/jewish-book-carnival/. You’ll find links to Jewish book news, book reviews and author interviews. Including

  • The Fig Tree Books blog presents Dinah Fay’s review of Amy Bloom’s Away
  • On My Machberet, Erika Dreifus recommends Lesléa Newman’s I Carry My Mother
  • At The Whole Megillah, Barbara Krasner interviews author Devra Lehmann
  • Lorri M. Writings reviews Safekeeping, : A Novel by Jessamyn Hope
  • Deborah Kalb interviews a wide range of authors including writers on Jewish themes

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