June 2015 Jewish Book Carnival
The June Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, is being hosted Chava Pinchuck at Life is Like a Library, http://lifelibrary-ksp.blogspot.co.il/2015/06/june-jewish-book-carnival.html. You’ll find links to Jewish book news, book reviews and author interviews.
- At Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb, Deborah talks with author Barbara Stark-Nemon about Barbara’s new book, Even in Darkness, a novel based on her great-aunt’s concentration camp experiences.
- At The Best Chapter, Diana Bletter interviews Michelle Brafman on her first novel, Washing the Dead, about how participating in a tahara ritual helps the narrator turn her life around.
- The Fig Tree Books blog celebrates what would have been Saul Bellow’s 100th birthday (June 10th) with some notes gleaned around the Web and three writers’ discussions of Bellow novels.
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