The Pinch by Steve Stern

The Pinch by Steve Stern

It’s the late 1960s. The Pinch, once a thriving Jewish community centered on North Main Street in Memphis, has been reduced to a single tenant. Lenny Sklarew awaits the draft by peddling drugs and shelving books — until he learns he is a character in a book about the rise and fall of this very Pinch. Muni Pinsker, who authored the book in an enchanted day containing years, arrived in the neighborhood at its height and was smitten by an alluring tightrope walker. Muni’s own story is dovetailed by that of his uncle Pinchas Pin, whose epic journey to North Main Street forms the book’s spine. Steve Stern interweaves these tales with a structure that merges past with present, along with a dose of fabulism. Together, these intersecting stories transform the real-world experience of Lenny, whose fate determines the future of the Pinch.

Source: Jewish Book Council

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