Books posted in June and July 2015

The Jewish Olympics: The History of the Maccabiah Games by Ron Kaplan

The Jewish Olympics: The History of the Maccabiah Games by Ron KaplanHere is the list of books that made it here during the months of June and July 2015:

  1. Above Us Only Sky by Michele Young-Stone
  2. After the Holocaust: In spite of everything, I remain an optimist: Remembering Noah Flug by Bettina Schaefer
  3. Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide by Michael B. Oren
  4. Alouette’s Dream by Andrew Jonathan Fine
  5. TheArchive Thief: The Man Who Salvaged French Jewish History in the Wake of the Holocaust by Lisa Moses Leff
  6. Archivist on a Bicycle: Jiří Fiedler edited by Helen Epstein and Wilma Iggers
  7. Bitter Bronx: Thirteen Stories by Jerome Charyn
  8. Book of Numbers by Joshua Cohen
  9. Broken on the inside: The War never ended by Simon Hammelburg
  10. Can I Wear My Kippah on Job Interviews? by Rachel Margolin and Lavie Margolin
  11. Changing the Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites Its History by Marc B. Shapiro
  12. TheChemist’s Shop by Richard Brumer
  13. Chief Rabbi Hertz: The Wars of the Lord by Derek Taylor
  14. A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic Periods by Michael Sokoloff
  15. TheDream by H. E. Kline
  16. Enemy in the Garden: A Novel of Intrigue and Suspense by Harriet Pike
  17. Exiles in Sepharad: The Jewish Millennium in Spain by Jeffrey Gorsky
  18. TheFirst to be Destroyed: The Jewish Community of Kleczew and the Beginning of the Final Solution by
  19. Forgiving Maximo Rothman by A. J. Sidransky
  20. Freedom’s Island by Sabra Waldfogel
  21. Ghetto Brother: Warrior to Peacemaker by Julian Voloj
  22. Halakhic Realities: Collected Essays on Brain Death by Zev Farber
  23. Hasidism Incarnate by Shaul Maggid
  24. History of Modern Jewish Religious Philosophy by Eliezer Schweid
  25. The History of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem by Assaf Selzer
  26. TheHolocaust by Bullets: A Priest’s Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews by Patrick Desbois and Paul A. Shapiro
  27. In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume
  28. Inheriting Abraham: The Legacy of the Patriarch in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by Jon D. Levenson
  29. Inside the Bubble by Noga Niv
  30. Israeli Feminist Scholarship: Gender, Zionism, and Difference by Esther Fuchs
  31. TheJazz Palace by Mary Morris
  32. Jewish İstanbul – A Collection of Memoirs and Illustrations by Roz Kohen
  33. Jewish Jokes: Gags and Funny Stories in the Great Jewish Tradition by Hugh Morrison
  34. Jewish Ludmir: The History and Tragedy of the Jewish Community of Volodymyr-Volynsky: A Regional History by Volodymir Muzychenko
  35. Jewish New York: A History and Guide to Neighborhoods, Synagogues, and Eateries by Paul M. Kaplan
  36. TheJewish Oil Magnates of Galicia by Julien Hirszhaut / Valerie Schatzker
  37. TheJewish Olympics: The History of the Maccabiah Games by Ron Kaplan
  38. Jewish Pittsburgh (Images of America) by Barbara Burstin
  39. Jews Against Themselves by Edward Alexander
  40. TheJews and the Bible by Jean-Christophe Attias
  41. TheKilling Rituals: Espionage & Terrorism Thriller by Nir Zamir
  42. TheKoren Mesorat HaRav Kinot, The Complete Tisha B’Av Service with Commentary by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
  43. Kosher Movies: A Film Critic Discovers Life Lessons at the Cinema by Herbert J. Cohen
  44. Last Folio: A Photographic Memory by Yuri Dojc and Katya Krausova
  45. Léon Blum: Prime Minister, Socialist, Zionist by Pierre Birnbaum
  46. TheLion’s Gate: On the Front Lines of the Six Day War by Steven Pressfield
  47. Lucky Us by Amy Bloom
  48. TheMaking of the Abrahamic Religions in Late Antiquity by Guy G. Stroumsa
  49. TheMan Who Stalked Einstein: How Nazi Scientist Philipp Lenard Changed the Course of History by Bruce J. Hillman
  50. A Master Plan for Rescue by Janis Cooke Newman
  51. TheMathematician’s Shiva by Stuart Rojstaczer
  52. Measure of a Man: From Auschwitz Survivor to Presidents’ Tailor by Martin Greenfield & Wynton Hall
  53. Modern Hebrew: The Past and Future of a Revitalized Language by Norman Berdichevsky
  54. TheNew Kosher: Simple Recipes to Savor & Share by Kim Kushner
  55. No Joke: Making Jewish Humor by Ruth R. Wisse
  56. ThePinch by Steve Stern
  57. ThePolish Underground and the Jews, 1939–1945 by Joshua D. Zimmerman
  58. ThePromised Land by Roberta Kagan
  59. Remember the Scorpion by Isaac Goldemberg
  60. Run You Down by Julia Dahl
  61. TheSeven Good Years by Etgar Keret
  62. Shelter Us by Laura Nicole Diamond
  63. Social Concern and Left Politics in Jewish America Art, 1880-1940 by Matthew Baigell
  64. Somewhere There Is Still a Sun by Michael Gruenbaum and Todd Hasak-Lowy
  65. TheSons of Scripture by Mikhail Kizilov
  66. TheStory of an Underground: The Resistance of the Jews of Kovno in the Second World War by Dov Levin and Zvie A. Brown
  67. TheSunlit Night by Rebecca Dinerstein
  68. The Value of the Particular: Lessons from Judaism and the Modern Jewish Experience by Michael Zank and Ingrid Anderson
  69. TheTheory and Practice of Universal Ethics – The Noahide Laws by Dr. Rabbi Shimon Dovid Cowen
  70. Warsaw. The Jewish Metropolis: Essays in Honor of the 75th Birthday of Professor Antony Polonsky by Glenn Dynner and François Guesnet
  71. When Europe Was a Prison Camp: Father and Son Memoirs, 1940-1941 by Otto Schrag and Peter Schrag
  72. When the Diamonds Were Gone: A Jewish Refugee Comes of Age in America in the 1940s by Julian Padowicz
  73. TheWriting on the Wall: A Catalogue of Judaica Broadsides from the Valmadonna Trust Library by
  74. Your Guide to the Jewish Holidays: From Shofar to Seder by Cantor Matt Axelrod
  75. TheZionist Entity: The Jewish State In The 21st Century by David Levy

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