For Such a Time by Kate Breslin

For Such a Time by Kate Breslin

In 1944, Hadassah Benjamin feels abandoned by God when she is saved from a firing squad only to be handed over to a new enemy. Pressed into service by SS Kommandant Colonel Aric von Schmidt at the transit camp of Theresienstadt in Czechoslovakia, she is able to hide behind the false identity of Stella Muller. However, to maintain her cover as von Schmidt’s secretary, she is forced to stand by as her own people are sent to Auschwitz.

Suspecting her employer is a man of hidden depths, Stella appeals to him on behalf of those in the camp. Aric’s indulgence gives her hope even as she risks discovery with every attempt to help the prisoners. When her bravery brings her to the point of ultimate sacrifice, she faces an excruciating choice. God may have brought her to the camp for such a time as this, but how can she save her people when she cannot save herself?

From Jewniverse

There’s a new romance novel hot off the presses, and it’s pretty disturbing.

For Such A Time, published by Bethany House, a Christian publisher, and written by writer Kate Breslin, is a reimagining of the Book of Esther. Sounds great, right? Sure—except the novel takes place in Theresienstadt and is the love story between a Jewish inmate and the SS commandant in charge of the camp.

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The book’s page on the publisher’s website

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