Books posted in September 2015

Here is the list of books that made it here during the month of September 2015:

  1. All About Rosh Hashanah by Judyth Groner and Madeline WiklerAll About Rosh Hashanah by Judyth Groner and Madeline Wikler
  2. The Ambassador by Yehuda Avner and Matt Rees
  3. Avigail by Chana Zauderer
  4. Black Earth by Timothy Snyder
  5. The Colors of Israel by Rachel Raz
  6. Days of Awe by Lauren Fox
  7. The Debate Over Jewish Achievement: Exploring the Nature and Nurture of Human Accomplishment by Steven L. Pease
  8. Forever Torn by Jason Greenfield
  9. Gersonides: Judaism within the Limits of Reason by Seymour Feldman
  10. The Grammar of God by Aviya Kushner
  11. Hannah Arendt: A Life in Dark Times by Anne C. Heller
  12. High Holiday Porn: A Memoir by Eytan Bayme
  13. The House of Twenty Thousand Books by Sasha Abramsky
  14. How’s Your Faith? An Unlikely Spiritual Journey by David Gregory
  15. Jewish Spiritual Parenting by Rabbi Paul J. Kipnes, Michelle November MSSW
  16. Jewish Stories of Love and Marriage: Folktales, Legends, and Letters by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso and Peninnah Schram
  17. King David & Akavish the Spider by Sylvia Rouss
  18. Let There Be Water by Seth M. Siegel
  19. Maimonides the Rationalist by Herbert A. Davidson
  20. The Mental Yentl: Stories from a Lifelong Student of Crazy by Sally Fingerett
  21. Oedipus in Jerusalem by Kalman J. Kaplan
  22. A Of Many Generations: Judaica and Hebraica from the Taube/Baron Collection by David L. Langenberg
  23. On the Move: A Life by Oliver Sacks
  24. Out of Jordan: A Sabra in the Peace Corps Tells Her Story by Dalya Cohen-Mor
  25. Paper Hearts by Meg Wiviott
  26. ThePeriodic Table by Primo Levi
  27. Renewal: Inspirational Lessons of Rosh Hashanah by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld
  28. The Salt Mine: The Trail of Nazi Blood Money by Patrick Nolan Clark
  29. Saving Sophie by Ronald H. Balson
  30. The Seasonal Jewish Kitchen: A Fresh Take on Tradition by Amelia Saltsman
  31. The Secret of Chabad by David Eliezrie
  32. Shanghai Sukkah by Heidi Smith Hyde
  33. Sisters in Law by Linda Hirshman
  34. Summer Haven: The Catskills, the Holocaust, and the Literary Imagination by Holli Levitsky & Phil Brown
  35. Tightrope: Six Centuries of a Jewish Dynasty by Michael Karpin
  36. Un bon fils (A Good Son) by Pascal Bruckner
  37. Underground in Berlin by Marie Jalowicz Simon
  38. When God is Near: On the High Holidays by Yehuda Amital
  39. White Matter by Janet Sternburg
  40. Why This Black Woman Married a Jewish Man by Nazaree Hines-Starr
  41. Yom Kippur – For Children by Rachel Mintz

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