June 2016 Jewish Book Carnival

Jewish Book CarnivalThe June 2016 Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, is being hosted Barbara Krasner at The Whole Megillah. You can see the Carnival here https://thewholemegillah.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/june-2016-jewish-book-carnival/ . You’ll find links to Jewish book news, book reviews and author interviews, including

  • Batya Medad reviews Witness to History by Sybil Kaplan.
  • Jill at Rhapsody in Books reviewed Across the Alley by Richard Michelson
  • The Book of Life podcast features an interview with Angela Cerrito, author of the middle-grade novel The Safest Lie
  • The Fig Tree Books blog took note of Short Story Month with a popular post.
  • Erika Dreifus routinely shares “Pre-Shabbat Jewish Literary Links.”

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