Help funding the THIRD EDITION of Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew (Mosaica Press)

From GoFundme:
In 2014, Jewish Content Inc. funded the first book of a young, up-and-coming scholar, Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein. That book, entitled Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew became an instant classic and quickly sold out. In 2015, JCI sponsored a second edition of that work and eventually that too was sold out. The book is quite in-demand but has been unavailable and out-of-print now for several months. Mosaica Press and Feldheim have been encouraging us to do a third printing.
Please help us raise the necessary funds to make this project a reality. The whole thing will cost just $6,200 including implementing some small edits, and additions, redoing the typesetting to reflect those changes, reworking the cover design without a dust jacket, and printing another 1000 copies.
Here is the campaign where you can contribute: