The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Volume 6: Confronting Modernity, 1750–1880

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Editor: Elisheva Carlebach
Series Editor: Deborah Dash Moore
A landmark project to collect, translate, and transmit primary material from a momentous period in Jewish culture and civilization, this volume covers what Elisheva Carlebach describes as a period “in which every aspect of Jewish life underwent the most profound changes to have occurred since antiquity.” Organized by genre, this extensive yet accessible volume surveys Jewish cultural production and intellectual innovation during these dramatic years, particularly in literature, the visual and performing arts, and intellectual culture. The wide‑ranging collection includes a diverse selection of sources created by Jews around the world, translated from a dozen languages. Representing a tumultuous time of changing borders, demographic shifts, and significant Jewish migration, this anthology explores the range of approaches of Jews, from welcoming to resistant, to the intertwining ideals of enlightenment and emancipation, “the very foundation of the Jewish experience in this period.”
Year first published: 2019