Natan Sha­ran­sky: Free­dom Fight­er for Sovi­et Jews by Blake Hoe­na

Natan Sha­ran­sky: Free­dom Fight­er for Sovi­et Jews by Blake Hoe­na

Ilus­tra­tor: Daniele Dick­mann

This graphic novel biography is the story of Soviet Jewry “refusenik” and human rights activist Anatoly “Natan” Sharansky. Born in 1948 to a Jewish family in Ukraine, at that time part of the Soviet Union, he was arrested as a young man and later imprisoned for wanting to leave the Soviet Union and go to Israel. His struggle became the struggle of all Soviet Jews who wished to leave. With the help of his wife, many Jewish activists, and world leaders, he eventually succeeded in immigrating to Israel, paving the way for the release of other Soviet Jews who wished to live in freedom.

Year first published: 2021

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