Hold On: Surviving Days Before Moshiach by Roy Neuberger

Hold On: Surviving Days Before Moshiach by Roy Neuberger

The world is upside down. Everything we rely upon is shaking.

In this timely book, Roy Neuberger, author of the futuristic novel “2020 Vision” (published in 2008), lays out a path for survival in the Days Before the Final Redemption. “Hold On” explains how the biblical prophets and the rabbis of the Talmud predicted that, just before the the Final Redemption, a period of chaos would engulf the entire world.

“Before the Messiah comes, G-d will stretch a rope from one end of the world to the other and shake it vigorously. Those who hold on tightly will survive. Those who let go, won’t. These turbulent times are testing us in our faith in G-d. We must hold on tightly until the end.” (The Chofetz Chaim)

This book is for every person looking for stability in a chaotic world. Like the Jews who followed Moses out of Ancient Egypt, those who cling to unchanging biblical truths will be able to “Hold On” to the rope and survive the days before the Final Redemption.

Year first published: 2021

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