The 60 books posted on in October 2021

Here is the list of the 60 books that I posted on in October2021. The image above contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- Adventure Girl: Dabi Digs in Israel by Janice Hechter (on this site)
- Agnon’s Tales of the Land of Israel; Edited by Jeffrey Saks, Shalom Carmy (on this site)
- The Almost Legendary Morris Sisters: A True Story of Family Fiction by Julie Klam (on this site)
- And So Is Hashem by Aura Dweck (on this site)
- Animals and the Law in Antiquity by Saul M. Olyan, Jordan D. Rosenblum (on this site)
- The Art of Tefillah: The Practical Guide to Infinite Connection by Rabbi Shlomo David (on this site)
- A Cognitive Semantic Study of Biblical Hebrew; The Root šlm for Completeness-Balance by Andrew Chin Hei Leong (on this site)
- Confronting Antisemitism through the Ages: A Historical Perspective by Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer, Dina Porat, Lawrence H. Schiffman (on this site)
- Debar Śepatayim: An Ottoman Hebrew Chronicle from the Crimea (1683-1730) by Krymchak Rabbi David Lekhno (on this site)
- Designing Transformation: Jews and Cultural Identity in Central European Modernism by Elana Shapira (Editor) (on this site)
- The Donkey and the Garden by Devora Busheri (on this site)
- The Environment and Literature of Moral Dilemmas: From Adam to Michael K by David Aberbach (on this site)
- Generations of Jewish Directors and the Struggle for America’s Soul: Wyler, Lumet, and Spielberg by Sam B. Girgus (on this site)
- German Jews and the Persistence of Jewish Identity in Conversion: Writing the Jewish Self by Angela Kuttner Botelho (on this site)
- Good Neighbors, Bad Times Revisited: New Echoes of My Father’s German Village by Mimi Schwartz (on this site)
- Hanukkah (Traditions & Celebrations) by Jessica Server (on this site)
- A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 4: The Jews under the Roman Shadow (4 BCE–150 CE) by Lester L. Grabbe (on this site)
- I Am Here Now by Barbara Bottner (on this site)
- I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944: The Graphic Novel by Lauren Tarshis (on this site)
- International Jewish Humanitarianism in the Age of the Great War by Jaclyn Granick (on this site)
- The Intriguing World of Jewish Time by Rabbi Dovid Heber (on this site)
- Iris Apfel by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara (on this site)
- Isaac’s Beacon by David L. Robbins (on this site)
- Islands of Memory: The Landscape of the (Non)Memory of the Holocaust in Polish Education between 1989–2015 by Jolanta Ambrosewicz-Jacobs (on this site)
- Israel: As A Phoenix Ascending by Monty Noam Penkower (on this site)
- Israel’s Securitization Dilemma: BDS and the Battle for the Legitimacy of the Jewish State by Ronnie Olesker (on this site)
- Jerusalem Beach: Stories by Iddo Gefen (on this site)
- Jewish and Arab Childhood in Israel: Contemporary Perspectives by Einat Baram Eshel, Wurud Jayusi, Ilana Paul-Binyamin, Eman Younis (on this site)
- Jewish and Israeli Law – An Introduction by Shimon Shetreet, Walter Homolka (on this site)
- Jewish Warsaw – Jewish Berlin: Literary Portrayal of the City in the First Half of the 20th Century by Alina Molisak (on this site)
- The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton by Andrew Porwancher (on this site)
- Jews and Crime in Medieval Europe by Ephraim Shoham-Steiner (on this site)
- Jews and Journeys: Travel and the Performance of Jewish Identity, Edited by Joshua Levinson, Orit Bashkin (on this site)
- Judah Benjamin: Counselor to the Confederacy by James Traub (on this site)
- The Just: How Six Unlikely Heroes Saved Thousands of Jews from the Holocaust by Jan Brokken (on this site)
- Love and Latkes by Stacey Agdern (on this site)
- The Man Who Loved His Wife by Jennifer Anne Moses (on this site)
- Morality and Religion: The Jewish Story by Avi Sagi (on this site)
- More Than I Love My Life by David Grossman (on this site)
- The Mossad Amazons – The Amazing Women in the Israeli Secret Service by Michael Bar-Zohar, Nissim Mishal (on this site)
- My Brother, the King by Jubilee Lipsey (on this site)
- The Mystery of the Bedouin Girl: And Rachel’s Gifts by Rony Kessler (on this site)
- The Oldest Guard: Forging the Zionist Settler Past by Liora R. Halperin (on this site)
- Passionate Publishers: The Founders of the Black Star Photo Agency by Phoebe Kornfeld (on this site)
- Perils of Wisdom: The Scriptural Solomon in Jewish Tradition by Sheila Keiter (on this site)
- Persons and Other Things: Exploring the Philosophy of the Hebrew Bible by Mark Glouberman (on this site)
- Prologue to Annihilation: Ordinary American and British Jews Challenge the Third Reich by Stephen H. Norwood (on this site)
- Reaching for Comfort: What I Saw, What I Learned, and How I Blew it Training as a Pastoral Counselor by Sherri Mandell (on this site)
- Replenishing the Sea of Galilee: A Family Saga across Ethnicity, Place, and Religion by Wagih Abu-Rish (on this site)
- Saving Lady Liberty: Joseph Pulitzer’s Fight for the Statue of Liberty by Claudia Friddell (on this site)
- Send for Me: A Novel by Lauren Fox (on this site)
- Sleep, Death, and Rebirth: Mystical Practices of Lurianic Kabbalah by Zvi Ish-Shalom (on this site)
- Spinoza and the Philosophy of Love by Michael Strawser (on this site)
- Survivors: Children’s Lives After the Holocaust by Rebecca Clifford (on this site)
- Sutzkever: Essential Prose by Avrom Sutzkever (on this site)
- The This Crazy Devotion by Philip Terman (on this site)
- Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865-1904 by Yehudah Mirsky (on this site)
- The Tree of Life and Prosperity: 21st Century Business Principles from the Book of Genesis by Michael A. Eisenberg (on this site)
- Victims, Villains and Women of Valor: Women in the Era of the Biblical Judges by Shera Aranoff Tuchman (on this site)
- We Share the Same Sky: A Memoir of Memory & Migration by Rachael Cerrotti (on this site)