Reaching the Promised Land: Unwrap Your Spiritual Present by Nachum Shaw

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Editor: Nigel Shaw
REACHING THE PROMISED LAND is an inspiring compilation that touches on a wide range of topics, ranging from psychology and history, spiritual guidance and meditation, to linguistics, textual analysis and mysticism. REACHING THE PROMISED LAND is not only about realizing the wonderful vision that is divinely destined for the Land of Israel, but also the consequent transformation of the whole world that will surely appear, when the people of all the nations will get to know God, and global peace and harmony will reign.
REACHING THE PROMISED LAND also describes the promised state of transcendental joy and spiritual awareness that every person with faith, kindness and selflessness can attain, on discovering for themselves experientially that they are truly made in the image of God.
REACHING THE PROMISED LAND addresses the dissatisfaction and anxiety that many of us experience in our lives, and explains how these are merely symptoms of our underlying desire for redemption, and manifestations of our attempts to uncover the true hidden treasure waiting to be found within each of us.
REACHING THE PROMISED LAND traces the devoted spiritual path that the Hebrew prophets and all exalted souls have taken; one of deep introspection and meditation on the Divine that is manifest in all creation and also in our inner being – how they reached the promised land of self-realization, and how, with faith and dedication, you can too. The compiler of this book, Nachum Shaw is a polymath, who has studied extensively in the fields of mathematics, spirituality, comparative religion, world literature, Torah teachings, philosophy, psychology, social anthropology and politics. Having experience of various cultures, he is passionate in spreading awareness of the possibility for all individuals to raise their quality of life through them doing good deeds and reflecting on the way they think. He encourages regular in-depth Torah study along with meditation in order to improve self-knowledge, refine one’s character and raise levels of consciousness. Nachum Shaw believes that through the Children of Israel following the precepts written down in God’s Torah, and fulfilling the role laid out for them in Hebrew prophecy of serving as a “light to the nations”, justice will prevail and discord will cease, as prophesied, and thereby a peaceful world will be achieved by kind, happy and healthy individuals, who are all aware that their souls have a Divine origin. Nachum Shaw is also the compiler of ManKind: A Spiritual Guide to Making a World of Difference.
Year first published: 2022