The 48 books posted on in July 2023

Covers for some of the 69 books posted on in May 2023

Here is the list of the 48 books that I posted on in July 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.

  1. Acting Gods, Playing Heroes, and the Interaction between Judaism, Christianity, and Greek Drama in the Early Common Era by Courtney J. P. Friesen (on this site)
  2. The Architecture of Modern American Synagogues, 1950s–1960s by Anat Geva (on this site)
  3. Before the Storm by James D. Shipman (on this site)
  4. Berlin­ers by Ves­per Stamper (on this site)
  5. Biblical Women Speak by Rabbi Marla J. Feldman (on this site)
  6. Big Lies: From Socrates to Social Media by Mark Kurlan­sky (on this site)
  7. Busi­ness or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon (on this site)
  8. Centuries Will Not Suffice by Prit Buttar (on this site)
  9. Challah Day! by Charlotte Offsay (on this site)
  10. The Dream of Social Justice and Bad Moral Luck by Alice Nakhimovsky (on this site)
  11. How to Get to Sav­ta’s for Shabbat by Var­da Livney (on this site)
  12. Imo­gen, Obviously by Becky Alber­tal­li (on this site)
  13. Inside Infor­ma­tion by Eshkol Nevo (on this site)
  14. It’s Her Sto­ry: Ire­na Sendler by Mar­garet Littman (on this site)
  15. The Jewish Deli: An Illustrated Guide to Chosen Food by Ben Nadler (on this site)
  16. Jewish Experiences across the Americas by Katalin Franciska Rac, Lenny A. Ureña Valerio (on this site)
  17. The Jewish Reformation by Michah Gottlieb (on this site)
  18. The Jew­ish Son by Daniel Guebel (on this site)
  19. Jews in the Garden by Judy Rakowsky (on this site)
  20. Kaddish Around the World: Uplifting and Inspiring Stories by Rabbi Gedalia (Gary) Zweig (on this site)
  21. The Land of Hope and Fear by Isabel Ker­sh­n­er (on this site)
  22. The Last Con­so­la­tion Van­ished by Zal­men Grad­ows­ki (on this site)
  23. Madame Alexan­der: The Cre­ator of the Icon­ic Amer­i­can Doll by Sarah Gold­man Rubin (on this site)
  24. Multilingualism and Translation in Ancient Judaism by Steven D. Fraade (on this site)
  25. My Left Skate by Anna Ros­ner (on this site)
  26. Neom: A Nov­el from the World of Cen­tral Station by Lavie Tid­har (on this site)
  27. On the Edge of the Abyss by Ruggero D’Alessandro (on this site)
  28. Open Judaism by Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz (on this site)
  29. Poland, A Green Land by Aharon Appelfeld (on this site)
  30. Progressive Politics in the Democratic Party by Richard A. Hawkins (on this site)
  31. The Pugilist’s Daughter by Judith Lynn Antelman (on this site)
  32. Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living by Debra Band, Menachem Fisch (on this site)
  33. Reinventing Tradition by Klavdia Smola (on this site)
  34. Rivka’s Presents by Laurie Wallmark (on this site)
  35. Soloveitchik’s Children by Daniel Ross Goodman (on this site)
  36. Some Kind of Hate by Sarah Dar­er Littman (on this site)
  37. Song About Pity: The Kehilla, in the 1930s by Avigdor Dagan (on this site)
  38. Sons of Saviors: The Red Jews in Yiddish Culture by Rebekka Voß (on this site)
  39. A Tale of One January by Albert Maltz (on this site)
  40. Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew by Avi Shlaim (on this site)
  41. To Die in Secret by Haviva Ner-David (on this site)
  42. To Seek His Presence by Joseph Haddad (on this site)
  43. Vampires Don’t Observe Shabbos by Michelle Franklin (on this site)
  44. Walt Whitman and the Making of Jewish American Poetry by Dara Barnat (on this site)
  45. Where I Am by Dana Shem-Ur (on this site)
  46. Why God Why? How to Believe In Heaven When It Hurts Like Hell by Gershon Schusterman (on this site)
  47. The Win­ter Orphans by Kristin Beck (on this site)
  48. You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah! by Fiona Rosenbloom (on this site)

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