The Promise by Brid­get Hod­der and Fawzia Gilani-Williams

The Promise by Brid­get Hod­der and Fawzia Gilani-Williams

Illustrator: Cinzia Bat­tis­tel

A garden is a prayer. It is also a promise. In a Moroccan village, a Jewish boy and a Muslim boy are best friends. Jacob and Hassan play together every day in the cool shade of Jacob’s family garden. They take care of the garden together, watching the roses and the orange trees grow tall. When news of terrible things happening to Jews in Europe reaches their little village, Jacob’s family must leave Morocco. Hassan promises to care for their beloved garden. “While the garden lives, our friendship will never die,” Jacob says. Years pass until, one day, the prayer of the garden is answered. Inspired by a true story.

Year first published: 2023

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