Jews in the New World by Rabbi Moshe Taub

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History, Halachah, and Hashkafa
Our story is not a journey…it is, rather, an odyssey.
The United States of America is a station like no other in our long-suffering exile. A typical work of history does not do justice to the Jewish People’s story in the “New World.”
Rabbi Taub lifts the veil and shares the hidden hashgachah, the surreptitious circumstances, and the concealed characters that formed the nuclei of our survival in this new land. In lieu of timestamps that follow a dry sequential order, the author shares how the lighthouse of Torah has allowed for meaningful glimpses of Hakadosh Baruch Hu “min ha’charakim.”
This is a work of hakaras hatov ― of gratitude and recognition to the great rabbanim, askanim, and secular leaders, the “American firsts,” who bequeathed to us the freedoms we enjoy today. And most importantly, it is a celebration of the hashgachah pratis of the One and Only.
Year first published: 2024