Additions to the catalog 2009-10-12

  1. Abrams, Daniel (ed): Lurianic Kabbalah: Collected Studies by Gershom Scholem
  2. Ashlag, Yehudah, Yedidah Cohen (ed): A Tapestry for the Soul: The Introduction to the Zohar by Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag
  3. Bar Tzadok, Ariel: Walking in the Fire
  4. Bar-Lev, Yechiel: Song of the Soul: Introduction to Kaballa: Based on Rabbi Chaim Moshe Luzzatto’s- Kalach Pitchei Chochma
  5. Ben Zion, Raphael: The Anthology of Jewish Mysticism
  6. Buxbaum, Yitzhak: A Person is Like a Tree: A SourceBook for Tu Beshvat
  7. Buxbaum, Yitzhak: An Open Heart: The Mystic Path of Loving People
  8. Buxbaum, Yitzhak: Jewish Spiritual Practices
  9. Buxbaum, Yitzhak: Jewish Tales of Mystic Joy
  10. Buxbaum, Yitzhak: Light And Fire of the Baal Shem Tov
  11. Buxbaum, Yitzhak: Real Davvening: Jewish Prayer As a Spiritual Practice and a Form of Meditation for Beginning and Experienced Davveners
  12. Buxbaum, Yitzhak: Storytelling and Spirituality in Judaism
  13. Buxbaum, Yitzhak: The Life and Teachings of Hillel
  14. Case, Jonathan M.: Journey to the Soul: Kabbalah’s Pathway for Your Present and Future
  15. Chesler, Phyllis, Rivka Haut: Women of the Wall: Claiming Sacred Ground at Judaism’s Holy Site
  16. Cohn, Howard: Baal Shem Tov: Faith Love Joy
  17. Comin, Mike: Making Prayer Real: Leading Jewish Spiritual Voices on Why Prayer Is Difficult and What to Do About It
  18. Cooper, Howard: The Alphabet of Paradise: An A-Z of Spirituality for Everyday Life
  19. Gillman, Neil: Traces of God: Seeing God in Torah, History and Everyday Life
  20. Gregory, Jill, Karen Tintori: The Book of Names
  21. Haber, Yaacov: Sefiros
  22. Hecker, Joel: Mystical Bodies, Mystical Meals: Eating And Embodiment In Medieval Kabbalah
  23. Kalisch, Isidor: Sefer Yetzirah
  24. Kedar, Karyn D.: God Whispers: Stories of the Soul, Lessons of the Heart
  25. Klein, Eliahu: A Mystical Haggadah: Passover Meditations, Teachings, and Tales
  26. Kushner, Lawrence: Invisible Lines of Connection: Sacred Stories of the Ordinary
  27. Kushner, Lawrence, Nehemia Polen: Filling Words with Light: Hasidic and Mystical Reflections on Jewish Prayer
  28. Lisiewski, Joseph C.: Kabbalistic Cycles and the Mastery of Life
  29. Matlins, Stuart M.: The Jewish Lights Spirituality Handbook: A Guide to Understanding, Exploring & Living a Spiritual Life
  30. Matt, Daniel Chanan (Editor/Translator): The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Vol. 5
  31. Mopsik, Charles (ed): Sex of the Soul: The Vicissitudes of Sexual Difference in Kabbalah
  32. Mottolese, Maurizio : Analogy in Midrash and Kabbalah: Interpretive Projections of the Sanctuary and Ritual
  33. Munk, Eliyahu: Tzror Hamor: Torah Commentary by Rabbi Avraham Saba
  34. Orlov, Andrei A.: Enoch-metatron Tradition
  35. Pachter, Mordechai: Roots of Faith and Devequt: Studies in the History of Kabbalistic Ideas
  36. Ribner, Mindy: Kabbalah Month by Month: A Year of Spiritual Practice and Personal Transformation
  37. Rose, M.J.: The Memorist
  38. Ross, Dennis S.: God in Our Relationships: Spirituality Between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber
  39. Schochet, J. Immanuel: Mystical Concepts in Chassidism: An Introduction to Kabbalistic Concepts and Doctrines
  40. Scholem, Gershom Gerhard: Lamentations of Youth: The Diaries of Gershom Scholem, 1913-1919
  41. Schwartz, Howard: Gabriel’s Palace: Jewish Mystical Tales
  42. Silk, Louise: The Quilting Path: A Guide to Spiritual Discovery Through Fabric, Thread and Kabbalah
  43. Soltes, Ori: Mysticism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Searching for Oneness
  44. Stavish, Mark: Kabbalah for Health & Wellness
  45. Twerski,Abraham J.: Happiness and the Human Spirit: The Spirituality of Becoming the Best You Can Be
  46. Weiss, Abner: Connecting to God: Ancient Kabbalah and Modern Psychology
  47. Wexler, Philip: Mystical Interactions: Sociology, Jewish Mysticism and Education
  48. Whitehouse, Maggy: Living Kabbalah
  49. Wisnefsky, Moshe: Apples from the Orchard: Gleanings from the Mystical Teachings of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria-the Arizal on the Weekly Torah Portion
  50. Wolfson, Elliot R.: Abraham Abulafia – Kabbalist and Prophet : Hermeneutics, Theosophy and Theurgy
  51. Wolfson, Ron: God’s To-do List: 103 Ways to Be an Angel and Do God’s Work on Earth
  52. Wolfson, Ron: The Seven Questions You’re Asked in Heaven: Reviewing and Renewing Your Life on Earth

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