Additions to the catalog 2009-10-22

  1. Arditti, Michael: The Enemy of the Good
  2. Deutsch, Nathaniel: The Maiden of Ludmir: A Jewish Holy Woman and Her World
  3. Elior, Rachel: Dybbuks and Jewish Women in Social History, Mysticism and Folklore
  4. Elior, Rachel: Jewish Mysticism: The Infinite Expression of Freedom
  5. Elior, Rachel: The Mystical Origins of Hasidism
  6. Elior, Rachel: The Paradoxical Ascent to God: The Kabbalistic Theosophy of Habad Hasidism
  7. Elior, Rachel: The Three Temples: On the Emergence of Jewish Mysticism
  8. Elior, Rachel (ed), Peter Schafer (ed): Creation & Re-creation in Jewish Thought: Festschrift in Honor of Joseph Dan
  9. Firestone, Tirzah: The Receiving: Reclaiming Jewish Women’s Wisdom
  10. Kook, Abraham Isaac: The Essential Writings of Abraham Isaac Kook
  11. Kripal, Jeffrey John: The Unknown, Remembered Gate: Religious Experience and Hermeneutical Reflection
  12. Mendel, Heather: Dancing in the Footsteps of Eve: Retrieving the Healing Gift of the Sacred Feminine for the Human Family through Myth and Mysticism
  13. Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman: Ahron’s Heart: The Prayers, Teachings and Letters of Ahrele Roth, a Hasidic Reformer
  14. Wolfson, Elliot R.: Circle in the Square: Studies in the Use of Gender in Kabbalistic Symbolism
  15. Wolfson, Elliot R.: Language, Eros, Being: Kabbalistic Hermeneutics and Poetic Imagination
  16. Wolfson, Elliot R.: Luminal Darkness: Imaginal Gleanings from Zoharic Literature
  17. Wolfson, Elliot R.: Pathwings: Philosphic and Poetic Reflections on the Hermeneutics of Time and Language
  18. Wolfson, Elliot R.: The Book Of The Pomegranate: Moses De Leon’s Sefer Ha-rimmon
  19. Wolfson, Elliot R., Paul Mendes-Flohr: Studies in Jewish Mysticism, Esotericism,and Hasidism
  20. Yanover, Yori: The Cabalist’s Daughter: A Novel of Practical Messianic Redemption

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