The 40 books posted on in April 2022

Here is the list of the 40 books that I posted on in April 2022. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- Always Remember Your Name by Andra and Tatiana Bucci (on this site)
- An An Especially Good View: Watching History Happen by Peter Osnos (on this site)
- Anna and Dr Helmy by Ronen Steinke (on this site)
- Anti-Semitism in Hungary: Appearance and Reality by Jeffrey Kaplan (on this site)
- Antisemitism on Social Media by Monika Hbscher, Sabine Von Mering (on this site)
- Beat the Devils by Josh Weiss (on this site)
- Becoming Elijah: Prophet of Transformation by Daniel C. Matt (on this site)
- Blood Sapphire’s Revenge by Dr. Bruce Farmer (on this site)
- Bluebird by Sharon Cameron (on this site)
- But Perhaps, Just Maybe… by Tuvia Dikman Oro (on this site)
- A Culinary Legacy by Viviane Bowell (on this site)
- Ellen Outside the Lines by A. J. Sass (on this site)
- Enchanted Dulcinea by Angelina Muñiz-Huberman (on this site)
- Forgiveness: The Story of Eva Kor, Survivor of The Auschwitz Twin Experiments by Joe Lee (on this site)
- Free as a Jew by Ruth Wisse (on this site)
- Happy for You by Claire Stanford (on this site)
- The Hebrew Bible Manuscripts: A Millennium by lodie Attia, Antony Perrot (Editors) (on this site)
- Here in Our Auschwitz and Other Stories by Tadeusz Borowski (on this site)
- Hold On to Your Music by Lane Mona Golabek and Lee Cohen (on this site)
- In Hitler’s Munich: Jews, the Revolution, and the Rise of Nazism by Michael Brenner (on this site)
- Living in Two Worlds: Diaries of a Jewish Couple in Germany and in Exile by Else Behrend-Rosenfeld, Siegfried Rosenfeld (on this site)
- The Melody by Oded Burla (on this site)
- The Myth of the Twelve Tribes of Israel by Andrew Tobolowsky (on this site)
- The Nazis Knew My Name: A Remarkable Story of Survival and Courage in Auschwitz by Magda Hellinger, Maya Lee (on this site)
- On Sunny Days We Sang by Jeannette Grunhaus de Gelman (on this site)
- Once We Were Slaves by Laura Arnold Leibman (on this site)
- A Persian Passover by Etan Basseri (on this site)
- Postmodern Love in the Contemporary Jewish Imagination by Efraim Sicher (on this site)
- The Presidents’ School: The New Way Forward by Andrew Caldwell (on this site)
- Reenvisioning Israel through Political Cartoons by Matt Reingold (on this site)
- The Reluctant Penguin: The Great Gefilte Fish Caper by Edwin Radin (on this site)
- Rescue by Jennifer A. Nielsen (on this site)
- Roman Rule and Jewish Life by Hannah M. Cotton (on this site)
- Salo Baron by Rebecca Kobrin (Editor) (on this site)
- Sephardi Voices: The Untold Expulsion of Jews from Arab Lands by Dr. Henry Green, Richard Stursberg (on this site)
- Shmuel’s Bridge: Following the Tracks to Auschwitz with My Survivor Father by Jason Sommer (on this site)
- The Story of The Satmar Rebbe by Sarah Feldbrand (on this site)
- Under the Iron Bridge by Kathy Kacer (on this site)
- Warm and Welcoming by Warren Hoffman, Miriam Steinberg-Egeth (on this site)
- Years of Glory by Susan Gilson Miller (on this site)