The 50 books posted on in December 2022

Here is the list of the 50 books that I posted on in December 2022. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- American Biblical Archaeology and Zionism by Brooke Knorr (on this site)
- An Amateur Performance by Lev Levanda (on this site)
- An Irish-Jewish Politician, Joyce’s Dublin, and Ulysses by Neil R. Davison (on this site)
- Applying Jewish Ethics: Beyond the Rabbinic Tradition by Jennifer A. Thompson, Allison B. Wolf (on this site)
- Attack of the Black Rectangles by A. S. King (on this site)
- Cooking alla Giudia by Benedetta Jasmine Guetta (on this site)
- The Dancer and the Dance by Michael Wasserman (on this site)
- Days Are Coming: A Journey Through the Jewish Year by Sivan Rahav-Meir (on this site)
- Defender of the Faithful: The Life and Thought of Rabbi Levi Yitshak of Berdychiv by Arthur Green (on this site)
- Dr. B. by Daniel Birnbaum (on this site)
- The Eleventh Plague: Jews and Pandemics from the Bible to COVID-19 by Jeremy Brown (on this site)
- Endless Flight: The Life of Joseph Roth by Keiron Pim (on this site)
- Enduring Questions: Using Jewish Children’s Literature in Classrooms by David Bloome, Evelyn B. Freeman, Rosemary Horowitz , Laurie Katz (on this site)
- Ethel’s Song: Ethel Rosenberg’s Life in Poems by Barbara Krasner (on this site)
- Even God Had Bad Parenting Days by Alicia Jo Rabins (on this site)
- Florine Stettheimer: A Biography by Barbara Bloemink (on this site)
- Frankly Feminist by Yona Zeldis McDonough, Susan Weidman Schneider (on this site)
- Greetings From Asbury Park by Daniel H. Turtel (on this site)
- Hebrew Matters: 110 Hebrew Roots; the Roads They Take; the Stories They Tell by Joseph Lowin (on this site)
- Jewish Comics and Graphic Narratives: A Critical Guide by Matt Reingold (on this site)
- Jewish Holiday Cooking by The Coastal Kitchen (on this site)
- Jewish Revival Inside Out: Remaking Jewishness in a Transnational Age by Daniel Monterescu, Rachel Werczberger (on this site)
- Jewish Women in Time and Torah by Eliezer Berkovits (on this site)
- Jews and Science by Sander L. Gilman (on this site)
- Jews, Food, and Spain by Hélène Jawhara Piñer (on this site)
- Leaving Eastern Parkway by Matthew Daub (on this site)
- Making German Jewish Literature Anew: Authorship, Memory, and Place by Katja Garloff (on this site)
- Martin Buber: Creaturely Life and Social Form by Sarah Scott (on this site)
- Maybe It Happened This Way: Bible Stories Reimagined by Leah Rachel Berkowitz, Erica Wovsaniker (on this site)
- The Most Likely Club by Elyssa Friedland (on this site)
- “Nice” Jewish Girls by Julia Merberg (on this site)
- On Repentance And Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg (on this site)
- One Mile and Two Days Before Sunset by Shimon Adaf (on this site)
- Peak TV’s Unapologetic Jewish Woman by Samantha Pickette (on this site)
- Peninnah’s World: A Jewish Life in Stories by Caren Schnur Neile (on this site)
- The Persistence of Memory by Arthur Kurzweil (on this site)
- A Place to Belong: Debbie Friedman Sings Her Way Home by Deborah Lakritz (on this site)
- Psychoanalytic and Cultural Aspects of Trauma and the Holocaust by Rony Alfandary, Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz (on this site)
- Reclaiming Biblical Heroines by Monika Czekanowska-Gutman (on this site)
- Sally Opened Doors: The Story of the First Woman Rabbi by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso (on this site)
- “The Soul Seeks Its Melodies”: Music in Jewish Thought by Dov Schwartz (on this site)
- A Stone for the Journey by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (on this site)
- Stories for the Sake of Argument by Abi Dauber Sterne, Robbie Gringras (on this site)
- A Summer of Mass Murder by George Eisen (on this site)
- Those Summer Nights by Laura Silverman (on this site)
- The Tower of Life by Chana Stiefel (on this site)
- The Trajectory of Holocaust Memory by Stephen D. Smith (on this site)
- The Woman Who Split the Atom: The Life of Lise Meitner by Marissa Moss (on this site)
- Yiddish as a Mixed Language by Ewa Geller, Michał Gajek, Agata Reibach (on this site)
- Zieglitz’s Blessing by Michael Goldberg (on this site)