The 35 books posted on in June 2023

Here is the list of the 35 books that I posted on in June 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- The Beating Heart; Exploration of Jewish Communities Around the World by Ya’acov Fried, Yishay Shavit (on this site)
- Betrayed: Child Sex Abuse in the Holocaust by Beverley Chalmers (on this site)
- Canción by Eduardo Halfon (on this site)
- Cassoulet Confessions by Sylvie Bigar (on this site)
- The Chateau by Jaclyn Goldis (on this site)
- Deborah’s Tree by Jane Yolen (on this site)
- The Dissident by Paul Goldberg (on this site)
- The Greatest Song of All by Megan Hoyt (on this site)
- How to Excavate a Heart by Jake Maia Arlow (on this site)
- The Jews of Summer by Sandra Fox (on this site)
- Jews, Judaism, and Success by Robert Eisen (on this site)
- Judaism Disrupted by Michael Strassfeld (on this site)
- The King Is in the Field by Julie Cooper, Samuel Hayim Brody (on this site)
- Luis de Torres Sails to Freedom by Tami Lehman-Wilzig (on this site)
- ManuScrita: Poems on Life, Love, & the Nature of Reality by Michael Teichberg (on this site)
- The Missing Jew by Rodger Kamenetz (on this site)
- Monster Bar Mitzvah by Josh Anderson (on this site)
- My Friend Anne Frank by Hannah Pick-Goslar (on this site)
- My Mother’s Secret by Alina Adams (on this site)
- My Name Is Hamburger by Jacqueline Jules (on this site)
- The Object of Jewish Literature by Barbara E. Mann (on this site)
- Once, This Forest Belonged to a Storm by Austen Leah Rose (on this site)
- One-Legged Mongoose by Marc J. Straus (on this site)
- The Population History of German Jewry 1815–1939 by Steven Mark Lowenstein (on this site)
- The Prophet of the Andes by Graciela Mochkofsky (on this site)
- Providence and Power by Meir Y. Soloveichik (on this site)
- Ruth Blau: A Life of Paradox and Purpose by Motti Inbari (on this site)
- Saved by Schindler by William B. Friedricks (on this site)
- Sing, Memory by Makana Eyre (on this site)
- The Smallest Hope by Jack Klajman (on this site)
- Solimeos by Rhoda Lerman (on this site)
- There’s a Goblin on the Ark! by Susan Tarcov (on this site)
- Women Holding Things by Maira Kalman (on this site)
- The World and All That It Holds by Aleksandar Hemon (on this site)
- Yiddish Transformed by Nathan Cohen (on this site)