The 35 books posted on in June 2023

Covers for some of the 69 books posted on in May 2023

Here is the list of the 35 books that I posted on in June 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.

  1. The Beating Heart; Exploration of Jewish Communities Around the World by Ya’acov Fried, Yishay Shavit (on this site)
  2. Betrayed: Child Sex Abuse in the Holocaust by Beverley Chalmers (on this site)
  3. Canción by Eduardo Halfon (on this site)
  4. Cassoulet Confessions by Sylvie Bigar (on this site)
  5. The Chateau by Jaclyn Goldis (on this site)
  6. Deborah’s Tree by Jane Yolen (on this site)
  7. The Dissident by Paul Goldberg (on this site)
  8. The Greatest Song of All by Megan Hoyt (on this site)
  9. How to Excavate a Heart by Jake Maia Arlow (on this site)
  10. The Jews of Summer by Sandra Fox (on this site)
  11. Jews, Judaism, and Success by Robert Eisen (on this site)
  12. Judaism Disrupted by Michael Strassfeld (on this site)
  13. The King Is in the Field by Julie Cooper, Samuel Hayim Brody (on this site)
  14. Luis de Torres Sails to Freedom by Tami Lehman-Wilzig (on this site)
  15. ManuScrita: Poems on Life, Love, & the Nature of Reality by Michael Teichberg (on this site)
  16. The Missing Jew by Rodger Kamenetz (on this site)
  17. Monster Bar Mitzvah by Josh Anderson (on this site)
  18. My Friend Anne Frank by Hannah Pick-Goslar (on this site)
  19. My Mother’s Secret by Alina Adams (on this site)
  20. My Name Is Hamburger by Jacqueline Jules (on this site)
  21. The Object of Jewish Literature by Barbara E. Mann (on this site)
  22. Once, This Forest Belonged to a Storm by Austen Leah Rose (on this site)
  23. One-Legged Mongoose by Marc J. Straus (on this site)
  24. The Population History of German Jewry 1815–1939 by Steven Mark Lowenstein (on this site)
  25. The Prophet of the Andes by Graciela Mochkofsky (on this site)
  26. Providence and Power by Meir Y. Soloveichik (on this site)
  27. Ruth Blau: A Life of Paradox and Purpose by Motti Inbari (on this site)
  28. Saved by Schindler by William B. Friedricks (on this site)
  29. Sing, Memory by Makana Eyre (on this site)
  30. The Smallest Hope by Jack Klajman (on this site)
  31. Solimeos by Rhoda Lerman (on this site)
  32. There’s a Goblin on the Ark! by Susan Tarcov (on this site)
  33. Women Holding Things by Maira Kalman (on this site)
  34. The World and All That It Holds by Aleksandar Hemon (on this site)
  35. Yiddish Transformed by Nathan Cohen (on this site)

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