The 54 books posted on in April 2024

Here is the list of the 54 books that I posted on in April 2024. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- The #QuietingTheSilence Haggadah by The Blue Dove Foundation (on this site)
- Amizadeh: The Iranian Connection by Ehud Peled (on this site)
- An Ordinary Life?: The Journeys of Tonia Lechtman, 1918–1996 by Anna Müller (on this site)
- Benjy’s Messy Room by Barbara Diamond Goldin (on this site)
- Blank by Zibby Owens (on this site)
- The Blue Butterfly of Cochin by Ariana Mizrahi (on this site)
- Braids: Recipes from My Pacific Northwest Jewish Kitchen by Sonya Sanford (on this site)
- The Brighton Beach Bible by Joel Silverstein (on this site)
- The Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Hate by Janice Cohn (on this site)
- Cold Crematorium: Reporting from the Land of Auschwitz by József Debreczeni (on this site)
- The Color of Sound by Emily Barth Isler (on this site)
- The Day The Rains Came by David Wolinsky (on this site)
- The Deathmaster by Hugo N. Gerstl (on this site)
- Escape from Dachau by Kathe Mueller Slonim (on this site)
- Haggadah for Passover – The No-Nonsense Haggadah by Dani Silas (on this site)
- Henrietta Szold: Hadassah and the Zionist Dream by Francine Klagsbrun (on this site)
- Here Is Still Here by Sivan Slapak (on this site)
- The Heroes Haggadah: Lead the Way to Freedom by Kerry Olitzky, Deborah Bodin Cohen (on this site)
- Hidden Yellow Stars by Rebecca Connolly (on this site)
- A Holocaust Legacy by Dr Kenneth Wolfe (on this site)
- Jewish Prague: Kosher Restaurants, Famous Jews, Religious Services, Museums and More by Brenda Zejdl Love (on this site)
- Jewish Unity in an Age of Sinat Chinam by René Hanania Levy (on this site)
- Judaism for Everyone: Renewing Your Life Through the Vibrant Lessons of the Jewish Faith by Shmuley Boteach (on this site)
- Kids Discover Israel: Dovid and Esty at Masada by Sara-Ester Varnai (on this site)
- The Last Words of Moses by Micah Goodman (on this site)
- The Life And Lies Of Harry Morris by Daniel Gardner (on this site)
- The Light of Learning: Hasidism in Poland on the Eve of the Holocaust by Glenn Dynner (on this site)
- Like the Sea and the Sky: A Mysterious Mollusk and Its Magical Blue Ink by Jordan Namerow (on this site)
- Matzah Man to the Rescue! by Eric Kimmel (on this site)
- Mazaltob by Blanche Bendahan (on this site)
- Mother Doll by Katya Apekina (on this site)
- My Mother’s War: A Holocaust Survivor’s Tribute to an Extraordinary Woman by Michael Fryd (on this site)
- Newshawks in Berlin: The Associated Press and Nazi Germany by Larry Heinzerling, Randy Herschaft, Ann Cooper (on this site)
- Nosh: Plant-Forward Recipes Celebrating Modern Jewish Cuisine by Micah Siva (on this site)
- Nothing Really Bad Will Happen: A Holocaust Story of Loss and Legacy by Deborah S. Holman (on this site)
- On Czesław Miłosz: Visions from the Other Europe by Eva Hoffman (on this site)
- On Friday Afternoon by Michal Babay (on this site)
- On Her Own by Lihi Lapid (on this site)
- The Phoenix Bride by Natasha Siegel (on this site)
- The Queen of the Platform: A Novel of Women’s Rights Activist Ernestine Rose by Susan Higginbotham (on this site)
- Real Life Pesach Cooking Pesach Prep – and Pesach Food – For the Way You Live. by Miriam (Pascal) Cohen (on this site)
- Reunion in Stringtown: Finding Faith, Family, and Healing by Joyce A. Connelley, Ronél Alberts (on this site)
- Rose-tinted Memory: Holocaust truths that can’t be erased by Mr Michael Fryer (on this site)
- Rules to Live By: Maimonides’ Guide to a Wonderful Life by Jeffrey Katz (on this site)
- Saying Inshallah With Chutzpah: A Gefilte Fish Out of Water Story by Jessica Keith (on this site)
- Stumbling Stones by Bonnie Suchman (on this site)
- Sweet Malida: Memories of a Bene Israel Woman by Zilka Joseph (on this site)
- Through the Morgue Door by Colette Brull-Ulmann, Jean-Christophe Portes (on this site)
- To Be a Jew Today: A New Guide to God, Israel, and the Jewish People by Noah Feldman (on this site)
- Uprising by Jennifer A. Nielsen (on this site)
- What is Passover? by Shari Last (on this site)
- With Roots in Heaven: One Woman’s Passionate Journey into the Heart of Her Faith by Tirzah Firestone (on this site)
- Workitu’s Passover by Ben Hagai, Zahava Goshen (on this site)
- The World Entire by Jo Perry (Fahrenheit Press) (on this site)