The 49 books posted on in August 2020

Covers of the 49 books posted on in August 2020

Here is the list of the 55 books that I posted on in August 2020. The image above contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.

  1. The Art of the Jewish Family: A History of Women in Early New York in Five Objects by Laura Arnold Leibman (on this site)
  2. At the Last Moment : The Jewish Struggle for Emigration from Poland before the Holocaust by Irith Cherniavsky (on this site)
  3. Backyard Kitchen: The Main Course by Sarina Roffe (on this site)
  4. A Child of the Century by Ben Hecht (on this site)
  5. Digging Up Armageddon: The Search for the Lost City of Solomon by Eric H. Cline (on this site)
  6. European Genizah by Andreas Lehnardt (on this site)
  7. Faith And Courage: Plus: Del Monte And The Pocketknife by Meir Marcus Lehmann (on this site)
  8. The fate of the Jews of Rzeszow 1939-1944. Chronicle of those days by Francis Kotula (on this site)
  9. Fing’s War by Benny Lindelauf (on this site)
  10. Florence Adler Swims Forever by Rachel Beanland (on this site)
  11. Full Bloom: A Novel of Food, Family, and Freaking by Judith Arnold (on this site)
  12. The Full Pomegranate: Poems of Avrom Sutzkever by Avrom Sutzkever (on this site)
  13. The Ghost in Apartment by Denis Markell (on this site)
  14. The Hidden by Mary Chamberlain (on this site)
  15. Hip Set by Michael Fertik (on this site)
  16. The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand (on this site)
  17. The Jewish Calendar Controversy of 921/2 CE by Sacha Stern (on this site)
  18. The Jewish Ethic of Personal Responsibility Volume 2: Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky (on this site)
  19. Jewish Folk Tales in Britain and Ireland by Liz Berg (on this site)
  20. The Jewish Journey Haggadah: Connecting the Generations by Adena Berkowitz (on this site)
  21. Ladder of Light: Parashah Insights on Sefer Bamidbar by Rabbi Yaakov Hillel (on this site)
  22. The Last Kings of Shanghai: The Rival Jewish Dynasties That Helped Create Modern China by Jonathan Kaufman (on this site)
  23. LifeLines 3 Ordinary People…Facing Extraordinary Challenges. Their Stories – and the Stories Behind Their Stories by C. Saphir (on this site)
  24. Lives Reclaimed: A Story of Rescue and Resistance in Nazi Germany by Mark Roseman (on this site)
  25. Lot Six by David Adjmi (on this site)
  26. The Misadventures of Rabbi Kibbitz and Mrs. Chaipul: a midwinter romance of laughter and smiles by Mark Binder (on this site)
  27. The New Jewish Canon by Yehuda Kurtzer, Claire E. Sufrin (on this site)
  28. Now for Something Sweet by Monday Morning Cooking Club (on this site)
  29. Of Bitter Herbs and Sweet Confections by Susan Shalev (on this site)
  30. Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27: A Spiritual Practice for the Jewish New Year by Rabbi Debra J. Robbins (on this site)
  31. Our Man in Jerusalem by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer (on this site)
  32. The Patrons and Their Poor: Jewish Community and Public Charity in Early Modern Germany by Debra Kaplan (on this site)
  33. Political Survivors: The Resistance, the Cold War, and the Fight against Concentration Camps after 1945 by Emma Kuby (on this site)
  34. Return to the Reich: A Holocaust Refugee’s Secret Mission to Defeat the Nazis by Eric Lichtblau (on this site)
  35. Social Stratification of the Jewish Population of Roman Palestine in the Period of the Mishnah, 70-250 CE by Ben Zion Rosenfeld and Haim Perlmutter (on this site)
  36. Spinoza’s Challenge to Jewish Thought: Writings on His Life, Philosophy, and Legacy by Daniel B. Schwartz (on this site)
  37. Stanley Kubrick: American Filmmaker by David Mikics (on this site)
  38. The Survivors: A Story of War, Inheritance, and Healing by Adam Frankel (on this site)
  39. A Sweet Meeting on Mimouna Night by Allison Ofanansky (on this site)
  40. Sweet Noise: Love in Wartime by Max Hirshfeld (on this site)
  41. The Takeaway Men by Meryl Ain (on this site)
  42. There Was a Young Rabbi: A Hanukkah Tale by Suzanne Wolfe (on this site)
  43. Thinking about God; Jewish Views by Rabbi Kari H. Tuling (on this site)
  44. The War of Return by Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf (on this site)
  45. What I Wish My Christian Friends Knew about Judaism by Robert Schoen (on this site)
  46. Who Really Was the Biblical Elijah? by Israel Drazin (on this site)
  47. Winning Every Moment. Soul Conversations with the Baal HaTanya by Dr. Yehiel Harari (on this site)
  48. Worse and Worse on Noah’s Ark by Leslie Kimmelman (on this site)

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