The 59 books posted on in January 2021

Here is the list of the 59 books that I posted on in January 2021. The image above contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- An Added Soul: Poems for a New Old Religion by Herbert J. Levine (on this site)
- The Beauty of What Remains: How Our Greatest Fear Becomes Our Greatest Gift by Steve Leder (on this site)
- Beloved Comrades: A Novel in Stories by Yermiyahu Ahron Taub (on this site)
- Between Berlin and Slobodka: Jewish Transition Figures from Eastern Europe by Hillel Goldberg (on this site)
- Blintzes and Blunts and Blowies, Oh My! by Gabriela Nicole Kalter (on this site)
- Bugsy Siegel: The Dark Side of the American Dream by Michael Shnayerson (on this site)
- Can Robots Be Jewish? And Other Pressing Questions of Modern Life by Amy Schwartz (on this site)
- Charity in Rabbinic Judaism: Atonement, Rewards, and Righteousness by Alyssa M. Gray (on this site)
- Contested Holiness: Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Perspective on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by Rivka Gonen (on this site)
- Contextualizing Jewish Temples; Edited by Tova Ganzel and Shalom E. Holtz (on this site)
- Davening Divine: A Companion to the Weekly Shabbat Davening by Rabbi Ephraim Epstein (on this site)
- Don’t Touch the Bones by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach (on this site)
- Everyone is Present by Terry Kurgan (on this site)
- The Exit Visa: A Family’s Flight from Nazi Europe by Sheila Rosenberg (on this site)
- Exodus: A Parsha Companion by David Fohrman (on this site)
- The Four Questions by Lynne Sharon Schwartz (on this site)
- Gender Equality and Prayer in Jewish Law by Rabbi Ethan Tucker, Rabbi Micha’el Rosenberg (on this site)
- The Good Doctor of Warsaw by Elisabeth Gifford (on this site)
- Grandma: The Story of a Boy and His Grandma by Joseph S. Wolkin (on this site)
- Holocaust Memory in Ultraorthodox Society in Israel by Michal Shaul (on this site)
- Houdini: The Elusive American by Adam Begley (on this site)
- The Imperfects by Amy Meyerson (on this site)
- Israel’s Transformative Black Artists by Charles Moore (on this site)
- Janusz Korczak and Yitzhak Katzenelson: Two Educators in the Abysses of History by Moshe Shner (on this site)
- The Jewish Idea and Its Enemies: Personalities, Issues, Events by Edward Alexander (on this site)
- Jewish Mysticism: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Kabbalah, Merkabah Mysticism, and Ashkenazi Hasidism by Mari Silva (on this site)
- Jews in Southern Tuscany during the Holocaust by Judith Roumani (on this site)
- Jews, Liberalism, Antisemitism: A Global History by Abigail Green, Simon Levis Sullam (on this site)
- Kodesh by Gabi Aharonov (on this site)
- The Lady with the Books: A Story Inspired by the Remarkable Work of Jella Lepman by Kathy Stinson (on this site)
- The Last Million: Europe’s Displaced Persons from World War to Cold War by David Nasaw (on this site)
- Life and Love in Nazi Prague: Letters from an Occupied City by Marie Bader (on this site)
- Life Death Memories by Thomas Hecht (on this site)
- Memoirs of Reb Mayer Gurkov: Sefer Hazichronos Divrei Hayamim by Mayer Gurkov (on this site)
- Memorial Book of Kremenets by Jonathan Wind (on this site)
- The Memory Work of Jewish Spain by Daniela Flesler, Adrian Perez Melgosa (on this site)
- Mishkan Ga’avah: Where Pride Dwells; Edited by Rabbi Denise L. Eger (on this site)
- Modern Kosher: Global Flavors, New Traditions by Michael Aaron Gardiner (on this site)
- One Girl in Auschwitz: A WW2 Jewish Girl’s Holocaust Survival True Story by Sara Leibovits and Eti Elboim (on this site)
- The Paper Girl of Paris by Jordyn Taylor (on this site)
- The Passion of Life: Escaping the Holocaust by Helene J. RW. Wald (on this site)
- Places in the Parasha: Biblical Geography and Its Meaning by Yoel Elitzur (on this site)
- The Polio Pioneer: Dr. Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine by Linda Elovitz Marshall (on this site)
- The Prince and the Sufi by Dalia Yasharpour (on this site)
- Reason to Believe: The Controversial Life of Rabbi Louis Jacobs by Harry Freedman (on this site)
- Reimagining Israel by Josh Hoffman (on this site)
- Resistance Girl: A True Survival Story of a Brave Jewish Girl During WW2 by Hassia Knaani (on this site)
- A Shoebox Full of Money by Martin Kleinman (on this site)
- The Slaughterman’s Daughter by Yaniv Iczkovits (on this site)
- Strangers in a Stranger Land: How One Country’s Jews Fought an Unwinnable War alongside Nazi Troops… and Survived by John B. Simon (on this site)
- Student’s Companion to The Guide of the Perplexed by Moses Maimonides by Ben Zion Katz (on this site)
- Surviving the Ghetto by Serena Di Nepi (on this site)
- The Tailor Project: How 2,500 Holocaust Survivors Found a New Life in Canada by Andrea Knight, Paula Draper, Nicole Bryck (on this site)
- Theological Stains: Art Music and the Zionist Project by Assaf Shelleg (on this site)
- The Trouble with Good Ideas by Amanda Panitch (on this site)
- An Unkosher Death by Judith Groudine Finkel (on this site)
- When We Can’t Go Out: Jewish Joy at Home by Jeff Gottesfeld (on this site)
- Wild Visionary: Maurice Sendak in Queer Jewish Context by Golan Y. Moskowitz (on this site)
- A Zombie Vacation by Lisa Rose (on this site)