The 75 books posted on in August 2022

Some of the covers of the 75 books posted on in August 2022

Here is the list of the 75 books that I posted on in August 2022. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.

  1. #antisemitism: Coming of Age during the Resurgence of Hate by Samantha A. Vinokor-Meinrath (on this site)
  2. Admi­ral Hyman Rick­over: Engi­neer of Power by Marc Wort­man (on this site)
  3. All the Things We Don’t Talk About by Amy Feltman (on this site)
  4. Apples, Apples, All Year Round! by Barbara Bietz, June Sobel (on this site)
  5. The Arc of a Covenant by Walter Russell Mead (on this site)
  6. Awakenings by Rabbi Joshua Stanton, Rabbi Benjamin Spratt (on this site)
  7. The Bar Kokhba Revolt by Captivating History (on this site)
  8. Bed­time for Maziks by Yael Levy (on this site)
  9. The Betray­al of Anne Frank by Rose­mary Sullivan (on this site)
  10. The British Escape by Leah Sokol (on this site)
  11. The But­ton Box by Brid­get Hodder (on this site)
  12. Categorically Jewish, Distinctly Polish by Moshe Rosman (on this site)
  13. The Choice: A Nov­el of Love, Faith, and Talmud by Mag­gie Anton (on this site)
  14. Choosing Not To Choose by David Jemal (on this site)
  15. Chunky Goes to Camp by Yehudi Mercado (on this site)
  16. Combined Arms Warfare in Israeli Military History by David Rodman (on this site)
  17. The Crystal Beads, Lalka’s Journey by Pat Black-Gould (on this site)
  18. Dershowitz Family Saga by Zecharia Dor-Shav (on this site)
  19. The Dis­card­ed Life by Adam Kirsch (on this site)
  20. Eitan Eats the World by Eitan Bernath (on this site)
  21. The End of Her by Wayne Hoff­man (on this site)
  22. Escape Route by Elan Barnehama (on this site)
  23. Fighting Back by Jeffrey Weiss, Craig Weiss (on this site)
  24. Frank, Who Liked to Build: The Archi­tec­ture of Frank Gehry by Deb­o­rah Blu­men­thal (on this site)
  25. George Soros: A Life In Full by Peter Osnos (Edi­tor) (on this site)
  26. The Girl in the Mid­dle by Anais Gra­nof­sky (on this site)
  27. The Immigrant by Frederic Petrovsky (on this site)
  28. In the Lion’s Den: Israel and the World by Danny Danon (on this site)
  29. In the Time of Madmen by Mark A Prelas (on this site)
  30. Iranian Immigration to Israel by Ali L. Ezzatyar (on this site)
  31. Isaac Aboab da Fonseca: Jewish Leadership in the New World by Moisés Orfali (on this site)
  32. The Jew­ish Brigade by Mar­vano (on this site)
  33. Jewish Inspired Recipes by Owen Davis (on this site)
  34. The Keeper of Miracles by Phillip Maisel (on this site)
  35. Koshersoul by Michael W. Twitty (on this site)
  36. Last Resort by Andrew Lip­stein (on this site)
  37. Lessons in Fusion by Prim­rose Madayag Knazan (on this site)
  38. Let There Be Light: The Real Sto­ry of Her Creation by Liana Finck (on this site)
  39. Lights in the Night by Chris Barash (on this site)
  40. The Long Corner by Alexander Maksik (on this site)
  41. Looking for an Enemy by Jo Glanville (Editor) (on this site)
  42. Major Jake Fortina and the Tier-One Threat by Rick Steinke (on this site)
  43. Mala’s Cat: A Mem­oir of Sur­vival in World War II by Mala Kacen­berg (on this site)
  44. The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land by Omer Fried­lan­der (on this site)
  45. Modern Table: Kosher Recipes for Everyday Gatherings by Kim Kushner (on this site)
  46. More than Parcels by Jan Lánícek, Jan Lambertz (Editors) (on this site)
  47. Mount Chicago by Adam Levin (on this site)
  48. Mr. Perfect on Paper by Jean Meltzer (on this site)
  49. My March Through Hell by Halina Kleiner, Edwin Stepp (on this site)
  50. Nein, Nein, Nein! by Jerry Stahl (on this site)
  51. Old Truths and New Clichés: Essays by Isaac Bashevis Singer (on this site)
  52. The Path of Moses by Julia Schwartzmann (on this site)
  53. The Pearl and the Flame by Natan Margalit (on this site)
  54. Professor of Apocalypse: The Many Lives of Jacob Taubes by Jerry Z. Muller (on this site)
  55. Prophets with­out Hon­or by Shlo­mo Ben-Ami (on this site)
  56. Recording History by Christopher Silver (on this site)
  57. Repairing the World by Linda Epstein (on this site)
  58. Ripped Away by Shirley Ver­nick (on this site)
  59. Sabine’s Odyssey: A Hidden Child and her Dutch Rescuers by Agnes Schipper (on this site)
  60. Sadie on a Plate by Aman­da Elliot (on this site)
  61. See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon (on this site)
  62. Shemoneh Esrei by Ezra Bick (on this site)
  63. Sitting Shiva by Erin Silver (on this site)
  64. The Songs of Ascents by David C. Mitchell (on this site)
  65. The Spanish Right and the Jews, 1898-1945 by Isabelle Rohr (on this site)
  66. Tasha: A Son’s Memoir by Brian Morton (on this site)
  67. The Teacher of Warsaw by Mario Escobar (on this site)
  68. Tears Over Russia by Lisa Brahin (on this site)
  69. There was a garden in Nuremberg by Navina Michal Clemerson (on this site)
  70. The Two Wrong Halves of Ruby Taylor by Amanda Panitch (on this site)
  71. The Watchmakers by Harry Lenga, Scott Lenga (on this site)
  72. What’s Next? by Janice Rothschild Blumberg (on this site)
  73. Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? by Antony Lerman (on this site)
  74. Why in Paris? by Harry F. Rey (on this site)
  75. You Are a Star, Ruth Bad­er Ginsburg by Dean Rob­bins (on this site)

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