The 57 books posted on in December 2023

Here is the list of the 57 books that I posted on in Decmber 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- Abraham: The Story of a Journey by Jonathan Grossman (on this site)
- Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Volume 18 by Ilia Rodov (on this site)
- Artificial: A Love Story by Amy Kurzweil (on this site)
- As a Burning Flame: The Dream of Regina Jonas by Noa Mishkin (on this site)
- As Figs in Autumn: One Year in a Forever War by Ben Bastomski (on this site)
- Barefoot in the Sand by Hava Divon (on this site)
- Beyond Whiteness: Revisiting Jews in Ethnic America by Jonathan Karp (Editor) (on this site)
- Big Bad Wolf’s Yom Kippur by David Sherrin (on this site)
- Bonfire Night by Anna Bliss (on this site)
- British Jews and Imperial Service by Stephanie M. Chasin (on this site)
- Chanukah Guilt by Ilene Schneider (on this site)
- Concentration by Arne Weingart (on this site)
- Credit and Usury in Jewish Society in the Mishnah and Talmud by Ben Zion Rosenfeld (on this site)
- Critical Theory and the Critique of Antisemitism by Marcel Stoetzler (Editor) (on this site)
- The Glass Château by Stephen Kiernan (on this site)
- Global Jewish Plays: Five Works by Jewish Playwrights from around the World by Berthe Bénichou-Aboulker (on this site)
- The Guardian of Memory: Aldo Izzo and Ancient Jewish Cemetery of Venice by Marjorie Agosín (on this site)
- Happily Jewish! by Michael Levin (on this site)
- I Must Be Dreaming by Roz Chast (on this site)
- Interiority and Law: Bahya ibn Paquda and the Concept of Inner Commandments by Omer Michaelis (on this site)
- Jewish Mindfulness for Kids by Blanca Sissa (on this site)
- Jewish Women: Between Conformity and Agency by Katharina Galor (on this site)
- Jews and Urban Life by Leonard J. Greenspoon (Editor) (on this site)
- Judaism in South India, 849–1489: Relocating Malabar Jewry by Ophira Gamliel (on this site)
- Kafka’s Son by Szilárd Borbély (on this site)
- The Kindertransport: What Really Happened by Andrea Hammel (on this site)
- Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps by Ian Baxter (on this site)
- The Little Matzah Ball Who Wanted to be a Meatball by Aaron Pickus (on this site)
- Maybe Once, Maybe Twice by Alison Rose Greenberg (on this site)
- The Missing Hand by Susan Van Dusen (on this site)
- Mistress of Life and Death by Susan J. Eischeid (on this site)
- Modern Jewish Theology: The First One Hundred Years, 1835–1935 by Samuel J. Kessler, George Y. Kohler (Editors) (on this site)
- My Kaddish: A Child Speaks from the Warsaw Ghetto by Thérèse (Terri) Masson (on this site)
- My What If Year: A Memoir by Alisha Fernandez Miranda (on this site)
- Now You Are a Missing Person by Susan Hayden (on this site)
- Owning Disaster: Coping with Catastrophe in Abrahamic Narrative Traditions by Aaron M. Hagler (on this site)
- Poppy Celebrates Hanukkah by Julianne Ososke (on this site)
- The Promise by Bridget Hodder and Fawzia Gilani-Williams (on this site)
- Queer Jewish Strangers in American Popular Culture: Life Between Assimilation and Otherness by Amy Tziporah Karp (on this site)
- The Rebirth of Antisemitism in 21st Century by David Hirsh (on this site)
- Routledge Handbook on Jewish Ritual and Practice by Oliver Leaman (Editor) (on this site)
- Saving the Schindler’s Daughter by Douglas Boyd (on this site)
- The Secret That Is Not a Secret: Ten Heretical Tales by Jay Michaelson (on this site)
- Sleeping as Fast as I Can by Richard Michelson (on this site)
- Sociology and the Holocaust: A Discipline Grapples with History by Ronald J Berger (on this site)
- Star Crossed by Heather Dune Macadam and Simon Worrall (on this site)
- Stars and Scars: The Story of Jewish Boxing in London by Jeff Jones (on this site)
- Survival and Sanctuary: Testimonies of the Holocaust and Life Beyond (on this site)
- Sword Catcher by Cassandra Clare (on this site)
- Tinocchia: The Adventures of a Jewish Puppetta by Curt Leviant (on this site)
- Transcultural Jazz: Israeli Musicians and Multi-Local Music Making by Noam Lemish (on this site)
- Unleavened Dead by Ilene Schneider (on this site)
- An Unlikely Guru: How a Neurotic Jewish Real Estate Developer from New Jersey Found Enlightenment (And How You Can, Too) by Chick Atkins (on this site)
- Walkers in the City: Jewish Street Photographers of Midcentury New York by Deborah Dash Moore (on this site)
- The Wandering Jew of St. Salacious by Ron Turker (on this site)
- War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism by Alan Dershowitz (on this site)
- What You Do To Me by Rochelle B. Weinstein (on this site)