The 84 books posted on in November 2020

The 84 books posted on in November 2020

Here is the list of the 84 books that I posted on in November 2020. The image above contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.

    1. Becoming Brianna by Terri Libenson (on this site)
    2. Ben’s Bakery and the Hanukkah Miracle by Penelope Peters (on this site)
    3. Blood and Boundaries: The Limits of Religious and Racial Exclusion in Early Modern Latin America by Stuart B. Schwartz (on this site)
    4. Cain v. Abel: A Jewish Courtroom Drama by Dan Ornstein (on this site)
    5. Camp Girls: Fireside Lessons in Friendship, Courage, and Loyalty by Iris Krasnow (on this site)
    6. The Clay Urn by Paul Rabinowitz (on this site)
    7. The Crown and the Courts: Separation of Powers in the Early Jewish Imagination by David C. Flatto (on this site)
    8. A Dark Awakening: A Civil War Era Story by Glenn Ogden (on this site)
    9. The Diary of Asser Levy: First Jewish Citizen of New York by Daniela Weil (on this site)
    10. Dona Gracia’s Secret by Marilyn Froggatt (on this site)
    11. Eating Out Loud: Bold Middle Eastern Flavors for All Day, Every Day by Eden Grinshpan (on this site)
    12. Eco Bible: An Ecological Commentary on Genesis and Exodus by Yonatan Neril and Leo Dee (on this site)
    13. From Adam’s Apple to Newton’s Apple: Concepts in Kabbala and the Wisdom of Hassidut through the Lens of Modern Physics by Shemer Keydar (on this site)
    14. Genetic Afterlives: Black Jewish Indigeneity in South Africa by Noah Tamarkin (on this site)
    15. Genres of Rewriting in Second Temple Judaism: Scribal Composition and Transmission by Molly M. Zahn (on this site)
    16. Governments-in-Exile and the Jews during the Second World War by Jan Lanicek, James Jordan (on this site)
    17. Hasidism: Writings on Devotion, Community, and Life in the Modern World by (on this site)
    18. Heinrich Heine: Writing the Revolution by George Prochnik (on this site)
    19. How Millennials Can Lead Us Out of the Mess We’re In by Mordecai Schreiber , Iqbal Unus and Ian Case Punnett (on this site)
    20. Into The Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography by Gabriel Cousens (on this site)
    21. Israel Rising: The Land of Israel Reawakens by Doug Hershey, Elise Theriault (Photographer) (on this site)
    22. ISRESILIENCE: What Israelis Can Teach the World by Michael Dickson, Dr. Naomi L. Baum (on this site)
    23. Jews and Power by Ruth R. Wisse (on this site)
    24. Judaism on Purpose by Yaakov (Jim) Schwartz (on this site)
    25. Justice: Maccabees & Pharisees by Judy Petsonk (on this site)
    26. A Kabbalah of Food: Stories, Teachings, Recipes by Rabbi Hanoch Hecht (on this site)
    27. Knight in Paper Armor by Nicholas Conley (on this site)
    28. Leaving Zion: Jewish Emigration from Palestine and Israel after World War II by Ori Yehudai (on this site)
    29. Letters from Uncle Dave: The 73-year Journey to Find a Missing-In-Action World War II Paratrooper by Phil Rosenkrantz (on this site)
    30. Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel by Francine Klagsbrun (on this site)
    31. The Locket: A historical romance by Rita Delude (on this site)
    32. The Longer, Shorter Path by Moshe Bogie Ya’alon (on this site)
    33. Love in the Blitz by Eileen Alexander (on this site)
    34. Maimonides and Contemporary Tort Theory: Law, Religion, Economics, and Morality by Yuval Sinai, Benjamin Shmueli (on this site)
    35. Max Jacob: A Life in Art and Letters by Rosanna Warren (on this site)
    36. Mensch by Maria Guadalupe Castaneda Tellez (on this site)
    37. Merry Hanukkah to Yule: An Inclusive Glimpse into our Shared Humanity by Sarahndipity Johnsen (on this site)
    38. Miracles and Menorahs by Miracles and Menorahs (on this site)
    39. The Month of Kislev: Rekindling Hope, Dreams and Trust by Dovber Pinson (on this site)
    40. My Wild Garden: Notes from a Writer’s Eden by Meir Shalev (on this site)
    41. Mysteries of Judaism III Common Sense Evaluations of Religious Thoughts by Israel Drazin (on this site)
    42. The Neighbor from Bergen Belsen by Yaakov Barzilai (on this site)
    43. Never Alone by Natan Sharansky, Gil Troy (on this site)
    44. The New Queen of Sheba by Barry L. Schwartz (on this site)
    45. No Vacancy by Tziporah Cohen (on this site)
    46. Not A Partnership: Why We Keep Getting Marriage Wrong & How We Can Get It Right by (on this site)
    47. The Orphan’s Daughter by Jan Cherubin (on this site)
    48. Out of Hiding: A Holocaust Survivor’s Journey to America by Ruth Gruener (on this site)
    49. Painted Pomegranates and Needlepoint Rabbis: How Jews Craft Resilience and Create Community by Jodi Eichler-Levine (on this site)
    50. The People on the Beach: Journeys to Freedom After the Holocaust by Rosie Whitehouse (on this site)
    51. The Piano Student by Lea Singer (on this site)
    52. Playing Till We Have to Go: A Jewish childhood in inner-city L.A. by Larry Derfner (on this site)
    53. The Polish Tailor by Debora Finkielsztejn (on this site)
    54. The Politics of American Jews by a Feline Mystic by Herbert F. Weisberg (on this site)
    55. The Power of a Tale: Stories from the Israel Folklore Archives by Haya Bar-Itzhak and Idit Pintel-Ginsberg (on this site)
    56. Princess without a Crown: Returning to My Jewish Roots by Jenna Maio (on this site)
    57. Protection From Evil by R. Ariel B. Tzadok (on this site)
    58. Radiance: Creative Mitzvah Living by Danny Siegel (on this site)
    59. Review of “Beni’s War” by Tammar Stein (on this site)
    60. Sadie’s Shabbat Stories by Melissa Stoller (on this site)
    61. Sadie’s Sin: The Zwi Migdal’s Reign of Terror by Neil Perry Gordon (on this site)
    62. Sennacherib’s Campaign against Judah: A Source Analysis of Isaiah 36-37 by Dan’el Kahn (on this site)
    63. So You Want to Make a Bris by Henry Michael Lerner M D (on this site)
    64. Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine by Amelia M. Glaser (on this site)
    65. Stanley Kubrick: New York Jewish Intellectual by Nathan Abrams (on this site)
    66. Sufganiyot, Latkes and More Hanukkah Traditional Foods: 20 Easy & Delicious Israeli Recipes by Miriam Gurov (on this site)
    67. Survival on the Margins: Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union by Eliyana R. Adler (on this site)
    68. Tales of the Holy Mysticat: Jewish Wisdom Stories by Rachel Adler (on this site)
    69. Tanakh Epistemology: Knowledge and Power, Religious and Secular by Douglas Yoder (on this site)
    70. Thought and the Perception of Time by Eliezer A. Trachtenberg (on this site)
    71. Thoughts on “Benno and the Night of Broken Glass” by Meg Wiviott (on this site)
    72. Thoughts on “There was a Young Rabbi: A Hanukkah Tale” by Suzanne Wolfe (on this site)
    73. To Be a Man by Nicole Krauss (on this site)
    74. Ultimatum or Dinners with Saul by Mr. Michael Veletsky (on this site)
    75. Under the Dome: Walks with Paul Celan by Jean Daive (on this site)
    76. The Veracity of Torah: Essays in Jewish Spirituality by Tal Sessler (on this site)
    77. War, Memory, and National Identity in the byHebrew Bible by Jacob L. Wright (on this site)
    78. Was Yosef on the Spectrum? by Samuel J. Levine (on this site)
    79. The Weekly Parashah – Sefer Shemos – Jaffa Family Edition by Rabbi Nachman Zakon (on this site)
    80. When Rabbis Bless Congress: The Great American Story of Jewish Prayers on Capitol Hill by Howard Mortman (on this site)
    81. When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father’s War and What Remains by Ariana Neumann (on this site)
    82. When We Turned Within: Reflections on COVID-19 by Menachem Creditor, Sarah Tuttle-Singer (on this site)
    83. Wise Tales From the Jewish World by Uri Kaplan (on this site)
    84. The Wondering Jew: Israel and the Search for Jewish Identity by Micah Goodman (on this site)

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