The 66 books posted on in August 2023

Covers of the 66 books posted on in August 2023

Here is the list of the 66 books that I posted on in August 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.

  1. All-Night Phar­ma­cy by Ruth Madievsky (on this site)
  2. Amos Oz: The Lega­cy of a Writer in Israel and Beyond by Ranen Omer-Sher­man (on this site)
  3. An Interreligious Dialogue by Michael Green (on this site)
  4. Antisemitism and Racism: Ethical Challenges for Psychoanalysis by Stephen Frosh (on this site)
  5. As I Said: A Dissent by Abby Minor (on this site)
  6. Beyond the Land by Melissa Weininger (on this site)
  7. Bohemia’s Jews and Their Nineteenth Century by Jindrich Toman (on this site)
  8. Bringing Rain: A Modern Jewish Folktale by Sharona Hassan (on this site)
  9. Building a City by Sheila E. Jelen, Jeffrey Saks, Wendy Zierler (Editors) (on this site)
  10. Burgenland: Village Secrets and the First Tremors of the Holocaust by David Joseph (on this site)
  11. Catastrophic Grief, Trauma, and Resilience in Child Concentration Camp Survivors by Tracey Rori Farber, Gillian Eagle, Cora Smith (on this site)
  12. The Changing Landscape of Israeli Archaeology by Hayah Katz (on this site)
  13. Charwood by Josh Schlossberg (on this site)
  14. The Circlemaker by Maxine Rose Schur (on this site)
  15. The Do More Club by Dana Kramaroff (on this site)
  16. Eighteen Days in October by Uri Kaufman (on this site)
  17. First Light by Marc H. Ellis (on this site)
  18. Framing the Holocaust by Valerie Hébert (Editor) (on this site)
  19. Fun­ny, You Don’t Look Fun­ny by Jen­nifer Caplan (on this site)
  20. The Giv­ing Table by Nao­mi Ross (on this site)
  21. Golda Meir: Israel’s Matriarch by Deborah E. Lipstadt (on this site)
  22. Golem Goes to Camp by Todd Gut­nick (on this site)
  23. Good­bye, East­ern Europe by Jacob Mikanows­ki (on this site)
  24. Heroes with Chutzpah by Deborah Bodin Cohen, Rabbi Kerry Olitzky (on this site)
  25. Honor, History, Holocaust; Thoughts on “Zaidy’s War” by Martin Bodek (on this site)
  26. Hope by Andrew Rid­ker (on this site)
  27. Hosea’s God: A Metaphorical Theology by Mason D. Lancaster (on this site)
  28. How to Become an Amer­i­can by Daniel Wolff (on this site)
  29. Human-Divine Interactions in the Hebrew Scriptures by Berel Dov Lerner (on this site)
  30. If Only You Could Bottle It by Jack Nusan Porter (on this site)
  31. Jewish Futures: Science Fiction from the World’s Oldest Diaspora by Michael A. Burstein (Editor) (on this site)
  32. Jewish Virtue Ethics by Geoffrey D. Claussen, Alexander Green, Alan L. Mittleman (Editors) (on this site)
  33. Jews and Christians in the Roman World by Steve Mason (on this site)
  34. Jews in Post-War Wrocław and L’viv by Izabela Kazejak (on this site)
  35. Judaism and Its Bible by Frederick E. Greenspahn (on this site)
  36. Kayla and Kugel’s Silly Sukkot by Ann D. Koffsky (on this site)
  37. Kissing Kosher by Jean Meltzer (on this site)
  38. Kugels and Collards by Rachel Gordin Barnett, Lyssa Kligman Harvey (on this site)
  39. The Last Songbird by Daniel Weiz­mann (on this site)
  40. The Last Train by Peter Bradley (on this site)
  41. Let There Be Light-Genesis by Richard Rinberg, Hayim ben Yosef Tawil (on this site)
  42. Light Rises by Rachel Wesson (on this site)
  43. Mala­mud: Nov­els and Sto­ries of the 1970s & 80s by Bernard Mala­mud (on this site)
  44. Noth­ing Could Stop Her by Rona Ara­to (on this site)
  45. Our Little Histories by Janice Weizman (on this site)
  46. Out and About: A Tale of Giving by Liza Wiemer (on this site)
  47. Par­al­lel Lines by Ruth Marks Eglash (on this site)
  48. The Post­card by Anne Berest (on this site)
  49. The Postcard by Carly Schabowski (on this site)
  50. Pro­fes­sor Schif­f’s Guilt by Agur Schiff (on this site)
  51. Questions to Ask Before Your Bat Mitzvah by Morgan Bassichis, Jay Saper, Rachel Valinsky (Editors) (on this site)
  52. Resisters by Wolf Gruner (on this site)
  53. Saving Freud: The Rescuers Who Brought Him to Freedom by Andrew Nagorski (on this site)
  54. The Sea Elephants by Shas­tri Akella (on this site)
  55. Shoshi’s Shab­bat by Caryn Yacowitz (on this site)
  56. Siz­zle Reel by Car­lyn Greenwald (on this site)
  57. The State of Desire by Lea Taragin-Zeller (on this site)
  58. Testimonies of Resistance: Representations of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Sonderkommando by Nicholas Chare, Dominic Williams (Editors) (on this site)
  59. Time’s Echo by Jeremy Eichler (on this site)
  60. The Tripod: A New Perspective On The Shalosh Regalim by Rabbi Neil Lauer (on this site)
  61. Two Tribes by Emily Bowen Cohen (on this site)
  62. Tzimmes for Tzipporah by Megan Hoyt (on this site)
  63. Unortho­dox Love by Hei­di Shertok (on this site)
  64. Untethered by Ruth Rakoff (on this site)
  65. With My Shad­ow: The Poems of Hilde Domin by Hilde Domin (on this site)
  66. Woman of Valor by Lynne Golodner (on this site)

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